Data Download Instructions
Saildrone realtime data is available using PMEL's public ERDDAP server. To utilize ERDDAP, click the link above, then select from the list of TPOS missions and drones. Click on the “data” link to bring up a data access form.
On the left hand side, check your desired variables and any constraints (e.g. a subset of time). Under “File type,” select an output data format, then click “Submit” to download data.
ERDDAP supports many file formats, including human-readable formats (.htmlTable, .asc, .csv), language-specific (.mat), or binary (.nc). Metadata is preserved at varying levels, depending upon format, but can be found in the .das, or by scrolling down in ERDDAP’s Dataset Attribute Structure section. ERDDAP also offers the ability to plot data by clicking “graph” from the link at the top of this page. An example of the ERDDAP file format selection menu is depicted below.