Search Results: 1968 to Present Sorted by year: Descending Author contains: BUTTERFIELD Fiscal Year 2024 Cont. #: 5525 Butterfield, D.A., S. Walker, T. Baumberger, J. Beeson, J.A. Resing, S.G. Merle, A. Antriasian, K. Roe, G.-S. Lu, and P. Barrett (2023): Spotlight: The PMEL Earth-Ocean Interactions (EOI) program – beyond vents. Oceanography, 36(2–3), 206–211, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2023.229, View open access article online at Oceanography (external link). Cont. #: 5567 Fullerton, H., L. Smith, A. Enriquez, D. Butterfield, C.G. Wheat, and C.L. Moyer (2024): Seafloor incubation experiments at deep-sea hydrothermal vents reveal distinct biogeographic signatures of autotrophic communities. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 100(2), fiae001, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiae001, View open access article at FEMS (external link). Cont. #: 5520 Wang, H., W. Wang, M.J. Ellwood, J. Li, H. Zhou, D.A. Butterfield, N.J. Buck, P. Maharaj, and J.A. Resing (2024): Dissolved Cu isotope compositions in hydrothermal plumes over back-arc volcanoes in the Northeast Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 381, 1-11, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2024.07.033, View article at Elsevier (external link). Fiscal Year 2023 Cont. #: 5407 Hu, S.K., A.R. Smith, R.E. Anderson, S.P. Sylva, M. Setzer, M. Steadmon, K.L. Frank, E.W. Chan, D.S.S. Lim, C.R. German, J.A. Breier, S.Q. Lang, D.A. Butterfield, C.S. Fortunato, J.S. Seewald, and J.A. Huber (2022): Globally-distributed microbial eukaryotes exhibit endemism at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Mol. Ecol., doi: 10.1111/mec.16745, View online at Wiley (external link). Cont. #: 5360 Wang, H., M. Liu, W. Wang, H. Zhou, M.J. Ellwood, D.A. Butterfield, N.J. Buck, and J.A. Resing (2022): Iron ligands and isotopes in hydrothermal plumes over backarc volcanoes in the Northeast Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 336, 341-352, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.09.026, View online (external link). Fiscal Year 2022 Cont. #: 5236 Aquino, K.A., G.L. Früh-Green, J. Rickli, S.M. Bernasconi, S.Q. Lang, M.D. Lilley, and D.A. Butterfield (2022): Multi-stage evolution of the Lost City hydrothermal vent fluids. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 332, 239-262, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.06.027, View online, open access - link to external site (publisher). Fiscal Year 2021 Cont. #: 5182 Fortunato, C.S., D.A. Butterfield, B. Larson, N. Lawrence-Slavas, C.K. Algar, L. Zeigler Allen, J.F. Holden, G. Proskurowski, E. Reddington, L.C. Stewart, B.D. Topçuoglu, J.J. Vallino, and J.A. Huber (2021): Seafloor incubation experiment with deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluid reveals effect of pressure and lag time on autotrophic microbial communities. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 87(9), e00078-21, doi: 10.1128/AEM.00078-21, View online (open access). Cont. #: 5151 Lang, S.Q., M.D. Lilley, T. Baumberger, G.L. Früh-Green, S.L. Walker, W.J. Brazelton, D.S. Kelley, M. Elend, D.A. Butterfield, and A.J. Mau (2021): Extensive decentralized hydrogen export from the Atlantis Massif. Geology, 49(7), 851–856, doi: 10.1130/G48322.1, View online (open access). Cont. #: 3996 Lin, H.-T., D.A. Butterfield, E.T. Baker, J.A. Resing, J.A. Huber, and J.P. Cowen (2021): Organic biogeochemistry in West Mata, NE Lau hydrothermal vent fields. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 22(4), e2020GC009481, doi: 10.1029/2020GC009481, View online. Cont. #: 5190 Zakharov, D.O., R. Tanaka, D.A. Butterfield, and E. Nakamura (2021): A new insight into seawater-basalt exchange reactions based on combined δ18O – Δ′17O – 87Sr/86Sr values of hydrothermal fluids from the Axial Seamount volcano, Pacific Ocean. Front. Earth Sci., 9, doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.691699, View online (open access). Fiscal Year 2020 Cont. #: 5011 Clague, D.A., J.F. Martin, J.B. Paduan, D.A. Butterfield, J.W. Jamieson, M. Le Saout, D.W. Caress, H. Thomas, J.F. Holden, and D.S. Kelley (2020): Hydrothermal chimney distribution on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 21(6), e2020GC008917, doi: 10.1029/2020GC008917, View online. Cont. #: 5048 Grandy, J.J., B. Onat, V. Tunnicliffe, D.A. Butterfield, and J. Pawliszyn (2020): Unique solid phase microextraction sampler reveals distinctive biogeochemical profiles among various deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Sci. Rep., 10, 1360, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-58418-4, View online. Cont. #: 5003 McAllister, S.M., S.W. Polson, D.A. Butterfield, B.T. Glazer, J.B. Sylvan, and C.S. Chan (2020): Validating the Cyc2 neutrophilic Fe oxidation pathway using meta-omics of Zetaproteobacteria iron mats at marine hydrothermal vents. mSystems, 5, e00553-19, doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00553-19, View online. Fiscal Year 2019 Cont. #: 4792 Baker, E.T., S.L. Walker, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., D.A. Butterfield, N.J. Buck, and J.A. Resing (2019): Post-eruption enhancement of hydrothermal activity: A 33-year, multi-eruption time series at Axial Seamount (Juan de Fuca Ridge). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 20(2), 814−828, doi: 10.1029/2018GC007802, View online. Cont. #: 4806 Chadwick, Jr., W.W., S.G. Merle, E.T. Baker, S.L. Walker, J.A. Resing, D.A. Butterfield, M.O. Anderson, T. Baumberger, and A.M. Bobbitt (2018): A recent volcanic eruption discovered on the central Mariana back-arc spreading center. Front. Earth Sci., 6, 172, doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00172. Cont. #: 4717 Stewart, L.C., C.K. Algar, C.S. Fortunato, B.I. Larson, J. Vallino, J.A. Huber, D.A. Butterfield, and J.F. Holden (2019): Fluid geochemistry, local hydrology, and metabolic activity define methanogen community size and composition in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. ISME J., 13, 1711–1721, doi: 10.1038/s41396-019-0382-3, View online. Cont. #: 4794 Tepp, G., W.W. Chadwick, Jr., M.M. Haney, J.J. Lyons, R.P. Dziak, S.G. Merle, D.A. Butterfield, and C.W. Young III (2019): Hydroacoustic, seismic, and bathymetric observations of the 2014 submarine eruption at Ahyi Seamount, Mariana Arc. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 20(7), 3608-3627, doi: 10.1029/2019GC008311, View online. Cont. #: 4867 Trembath-Reichert, E., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Huber (2019): Active subseafloor microbial communities from Mariana Backarc venting fluids share metabolic strategies across different thermal niches and taxa. ISME J., 13, 2264–2279, doi: 10.1038/s41396-019-0431-y, View online (open access). Fiscal Year 2018 Cont. #: 4678 Baker, E.T., S.L. Walker, J.A. Resing, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., S.G. Merle, M.O. Anderson, D.A. Butterfield, N.J. Buck, and S. Michael (2017): The effect of arc proximity on hydrothermal activity along spreading centers: New evidence from the Mariana back-arc (12.7°–18.3°N). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18(11), 4211–4228, doi: 10.1002/2017GC007234. Cont. #: 4629 Fortunato, C.S., B. Larson, D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Huber (2018): Spatially distinct, temporally stable microbial populations mediate biogeochemical cycling at and below the seafloor in hydrothermal vent fluids. Environ. Microbiol., 20, 769–784, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14011. Cont. #: 4718 Spietz, R.L., D.A. Butterfield, N.J. Buck, B.I. Larson, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., S.L. Walker, D.S. Kelley, and R.M. Morris (2018): Deep-sea volcanic eruptions create unique chemical and biological linkages between the subsurface lithosphere and oceanic hydrosphere. Oceanography, 31(1), 128–135, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2018.120. Fiscal Year 2017 Cont. #: 4621 Anderson, M.O., W.W. Chadwick, Jr., M.D. Hannington, S.G. Merle, J.A. Resing, E.T. Baker, D.A. Butterfield, S.L. Walker, and N. Augustin (2017): Geological interpretation of volcanism and segmentation of the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18(6), 2240–2274, doi: 10.1002/2017GC006813. Cont. #: 4624 Hager, K.W., H. Fullerton, D.A. Butterfield, and C.L. Moyer (2017): Community structure of lithotrophically driven microbial mats from the Mariana arc and back-arc. Front. Microbiol., 8, 1578, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01578, Open Access. Cont. #: 4530 Love, B., M. Lilley, D. Butterfield, E. Olson, and B. Larson (2017): Rapid variations in fluid chemistry constrain hydrothermal phase separation at the Main Endeavour Field. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18(2), 531–543, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006550. Fiscal Year 2016 Cont. #: 4257 Hawkes, J.A., P.E. Rossel, A. Stubbins, D.A. Butterfield, D.P. Connelly, E.P. Achterberg, A. Koschinsky, V. Chavagnac, C.T. Hansen, W. Bach, and T. Dittmar (2015): Efficient removal of recalcitrant deep-ocean dissolved organic matter during hydrothermal circulation. Nature Geosci., 8, 856–860, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2543. Cont. #: 4399 Jamieson, J.W., M.D. Hannington, M.K. Tivey, T. Hansteen, N.M.-B. Williamson, M. Stewart, J. Fietzke, D.A. Butterfield, M. Frische, L. Allen, B. Cousens, and J. Langer (2016): Precipitation and growth of barite within hydrothermal vent deposits from the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 173, 64–85, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.021. Cont. #: 4423 Lin, T.J., H.C. Ver Eecke, E.A. Breves, M.D. Dyar, J.W. Jamieson, M.D. Hannington, H. Dahle, J.L. Bishop, M.D. Lane, D.A. Butterfield, D.S. Kelley, M.D. Lilley, J.A. Baross, and J.F. Holden (2016): Linkages between mineralogy, fluid chemistry, and microbial communities within hydrothermal chimneys from the Endeavor Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17(2), 300–323, doi: 10.1002/2015GC006091. Cont. #: 4356 Stewart, L.C., J.G. Llewellyn, D.A. Butterfield, M.D. Lilley, and J.F. Holden (2016): Hydrogen and thiosulfate limits for growth of a thermophilic, autotrophic Desulfurobacterium species from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Environ. Microbiol., 8, 196–200, doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.12368. Cont. #: 4493 Topçuoğlu, B.D., L.C. Stewart, H.G. Morison, D.A. Butterfield, J.A. Huber, and J.F. Holden (2016): Hydrogen limitation and syntrophic growth among natural assemblages of thermophilic methanogens at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Front. Microbiol., 7, 1240, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01240, Published online at Frontiers. Fiscal Year 2015 Cont. #: 3856 Baumberger, T., M.D. Lilley, J.A. Resing, J.E. Lupton, E.T. Baker, D.A. Butterfield, E.J. Olson, and G.L. Früh-Green (2014): Understanding a submarine eruption through time series hydrothermal plume sampling of dissolved and particulate constituents: West Mata, 2008-2012. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15(12), 4631–4650, doi: 10.1002/2014GC005460. Cont. #: 4107 Bourbonnais, A., S.K. Juniper, D.A. Butterfield, R.E. Anderson, and M.F. Lehmann (2014): Diversity and abundance of Bacteria and nirS-encoding denitrifiers associated with the Juan de Fuca Ridge hydrothermal system. Ann. Microbiol., 64(4), 1691–1705, doi: 10.1007/s13213-014-0813-3. Cont. #: 4158 de Ronde, C.E.J., J.R. Hein, and D.A. Butterfield (2014): Metallogenesis and Mineralization of Intraoceanic Arcs II: The Aeolian, Izu-Bonin, Mariana, and Kermadec Arcs, and the Manus Backarc Basin)—Introduction. Econ. Geol., 109, 2073–2077, doi: 10.2113/econgeo.109.8.2073. Cont. #: 4224 Lupton, J., K.H. Rubin, R. Arculus, M. Lilley, D. Butterfield, J. Resing, E. Baker, and R. Embley (2015): Helium isotope, C/3He, and Ba-Nb-Ti signatures in the northern Lau Basin: Distinguishing arc, back-arc, and hotspot affinities. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 16(4), 1133–1155, doi: 10.1002/2014GC005625. Fiscal Year 2014 Cont. #: 3920 Chadwick, W., D. Clague, R. Embley, M. Perfit, D. Butterfield, D. Caress, J. Paduan, P. Sasnett, S. Merle, and A. Bobbitt (2014): Interpreted outlines as shapefiles of the 1998 lava flows and eruptive fissures at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge (investigator William Chadwick). Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA), Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS), doi: 10.1594/IEDA/321222, Data product at Cont. #: 3964 Chadwick, Jr., W.W., D.A. Clague, R.W. Embley, M.R. Perfit, D.A. Butterfield, D.W. Caress, J.B. Paduan, J.F. Martin, P. Sasnett, S.G. Merle, and A.M. Bobbitt (2013): The 1998 eruption of Axial Seamount: New insights on submarine lava flow emplacement from high-resolution mapping. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14(10), 3939–3968, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20202. Cont. #: 3993 Clague, D.A., B.M. Dreyer, J.B. Paduan, J.F. Martin, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., D.W. Caress, R.A. Portner, T.P. Guilderson, M.L. McGann, H. Thomas, D.A. Butterfield, and R.W. Embley (2013): Geologic history of the summit of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14(10), 4403–4443, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20240. Cont. #: 4124 Ver Eecke, H.C., N.H. Akerman, J.A. Huber, D.A. Butterfield, and J.F. Holden (2013): Growth kinetics and energetics of a deep-sea hyperthermophilic methanogen under varying environmental conditions. Environ. Microbiol. Reports, 5(5), 665–671, doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.12065. Fiscal Year 2013 Cont. #: 3984 Akerman, N.H., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Huber (2013): Phylogenetic diversity and functional gene patterns of sulfur-oxidizing subseafloor Epsilonproteobacteria in diffuse hydrothermal vent fluids. Frontiers in Microbiology, 4, 185, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00185. Cont. #: 3835 Bourbonnais, A., S.K. Juniper, D.A. Butterfield, A. Devol, M.M.M. Kuypers, G. Lavik, S.J. Hallam, B.X. Chang, C. Wenk, S. Murdock, and M.F. Lehmann (2012): Activity and abundance of denitryfyining bacteria in the subsurface biosphere of diffuse hydrothermal vents of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.. Biogeosciences, 9(11), 4661-4678, doi: 10.5194/bg-9-4661-2012. Cont. #: 3851 de Ronde, C.E.J., D.A. Butterfield, and M.I. Leybourne (2012): Metallogenesis and mineralization of intraoceanic arcs I: Kermadec arc—Introduction. Econ. Geol., 107, 1521–1525 (Society of Economic Geologists, 7811 Shaffer Parkway, Littleton, CO 80127 USA), doi: 10.2113/econgeo.107.8.1521. Cont. #: 3897 Lang, S.Q., G.L. Fruh-Green, S.M. Bernasconi, and D.A. Butterfield (2013): Sources of organic nitrogen at the serpentinite-hosted Lost City hydrothermal field. Geobiology, 11(2), 154–169, doi: 10.1111/gbi.12026. Cont. #: 3715 Leybourne, M.I., U. Schwarz-Schampera, C.E.J. de Ronde, E.T. Baker, K. Faure, S.L. Walker, D.A. Butterfield, J.A. Resing, J.E. Lupton, M.D. Hannington, H.L. Gibson, G.J. Massoth, R.W. Embley, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., M.R. Clark, C. Timm, I.J. Graham, and I.C. Wright (2012): Submarine magmatic-hydrothermal systems at the Monowai Volcanic Center, Kermadec Arc. Econ. Geol., 107, 1669–1694 (Society of Economic Geologists, 7811 Shaffer Parkway, Littleton, CO 80127 USA), doi: 10.2113/econgeo.107.8.1669. Fiscal Year 2012 Cont. #: 3749 Bourbonnais, A., M.F. Lehmann, D.A. Butterfield, and S.K. Juniper (2012): Subseafloor nitrogen transformations in diffuse hydrothermal vent fluids of the Juan de Fuca Ridge evidenced by the isotopic composition of nitrate and ammonium. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q02T01, doi: 10.1029/2011GC003863. Cont. #: 3782 Chadwick, Jr., W.W., S.L. Nooner, D.A. Butterfield, and M.D. Lilley (2012): Seafloor deformation and forecasts of the April 2011 eruption at Axial Seamount. Nature Geosci., 5(7), 474–477, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1464. Cont. #: 3793 Dziak, R.P., J.H. Haxel, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., S.L. Nooner, M.J. Fowler, H. Matsumoto, and D.A.. Butterfield (2012): Seismic precursors and magma ascent before the April 2011 eruption at Axial Seamount. Nature Geosci., 5(7), 478–482, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1490. Cont. #: 3727 Lang, S.Q., G.L. Früh-Green, S.M. Bernasconi, M.D. Lilley, G. Proskurowski, S. Méhay, and D.A. Butterfield (2012): Microbial utilization of abiogenic hydrogen and carbon in a serpentinite-hosted system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 92, 82–99, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.06.006. Cont. #: 3644 Resing, J.A., K.H. Rubin, R.W. Embley, J.E. Lupton, E.T. Baker, R.P. Dziak, T. Baumberger, M. Lilley, J. Huber, T. Shank, D.A. Butterfield, D. Clague, N. Keller, S. Merle, N. Buck, P. Michael, A. Soule, D. Caress, S.L. Walker, R. Davis, J. Cowen, A.-L. Reysenbach, and H. Thomas (2011): Active submarine eruption of boninite in the northeastern Lau Basin. Nature Geosci., 4, 799–806, doi: 10.1038/NGEO1275. Cont. #: 3639 Shamberger, K.E.F., R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, M.J. Atkinson, E.H. DeCarlo, F.T. Mackenzie, P.S Drupp, and D.A. Butterfield (2011): Calcification and organic production on a Hawaiian coral reef. Mar. Chem., 127(1–4), 64–75, doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2011.08.003. Cont. #: 3797 Ver Eecke, H.C., D.A. Butterfield, J.A. Huber, M.D. Lilley, E.J. Olson, K.K. Roe, L.J. Evans, A.Y. Merkel, H.V. Cantin, and J.F. Holden (2012): Hydrogen-limited growth of hyperthermophilic methanogens at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 109(34), 13674–13679, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1206632109. Fiscal Year 2011 Cont. #: 3498 Butterfield, D.A., K. Nakamura, B. Takano, M.D. Lilley, J.E. Lupton, J.A. Resing, and K.K. Roe (2011): High SO2 flux, sulfur accumulation, and gas fractionation at an erupting submarine volcano. Geology, 39(9), 803–806, doi: 10.1130/G31901.1. Cont. #: 3664 De Ronde, C.E.J., G.J. Massoth, D.A. Butterfield, B.W. Christenson, J. Ishibashi, R.G. Ditchburn, M.D. Hannington, R.L. Brathwaite, J.E. Lupton, V.S. Kamenetsky, I.J. Graham, G.F. Zellmer, R.P. Dziak, R.W. Embley, V.M. Dekove, F. Munnik, J. Lahr, L.J. Evans, and K. Takai (2011): Submarine hydrothermal activity and gold-rich mineralization at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand. Mineralium Deposita, 46(5–6), 541–584, doi: 10.1007/s00126-011-0345-8. Cont. #: 3615 Hooft, E., H. Patel, W. Wilcock, K. Becker, D. Butterfield, E. Davis, R. Dziak, M. Lilley, P. McGill, D. Toomey, and D. Stakes (2010): A seismic swarm and regional hydrothermal and hydrological perturbations: the northern Endeavour segment, February 2005. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11(12), Q12015, doi: 10.1029/2010GC003264. Fiscal Year 2010 Cont. #: 3491 Chadwick, W.W., D.A. Butterfield, R.W. Embley, V. Tunnicliffe, J.A. Huber, S.L. Nooner, and D.A. Clague (2010): Spotlight 1: Axial Seamount. Oceanography, 23(1), 38–39, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2010.73. Cont. #: 3490 Chadwick, W.W., R.W. Embley, E.T. Baker, J.A. Resing, J.E. Lupton, K.V. Cashman, R.P. Dziak, V. Tunnicliffe, D.A. Butterfield, and Y. Tamura (2010): Spotlight 10: Northwest Rota-1 Seamount. Oceanography, 23(1), 182-183, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2010.82. Cont. #: 3542 Huber, J.A., H.V. Cantin, S.M. Huse, D.B.M. Welch, M.L. Sogin, and D.A. Butterfield (2010): Isolated communities of Epsilonproteobacteria in hydrothermal vent fluids of the Mariana Arc seamounts. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 73(3), 538–549, doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2010.00910.x. Cont. #: 3223 Lang, S.Q., D.A. Butterfield, M. Schulte, D.S. Kelley, and M.D. Lilley (2010): Elevated concentrations of formate, acetate and dissolved organic carbon found at the Lost City hydrothermal field. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74(3), 941–952, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.045. Cont. #: 3237 Opatkiewicz, A.D., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Baross (2009): Individual hydrothermal vents at Axial Seamount harbor distinct subseafloor microbial communities. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 70(3), 413–424, doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2009.00747.x. Fiscal Year 2009 Cont. #: 3311 Fontaine, F.J., W.S.D. Wilcock, D.E. Foustoukos, and D.A. Butterfield (2009): A Si-Cl geothermobarometer for the reaction zone of high-temperature, basaltic-hosted mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10(5), Q05009, doi: 10.1029/2009GC002407. Cont. #: 2745 Marcus, J., V. Tunnicliffe, and D.A. Butterfield (2009): Post-eruption succession of macrofaunal communities at diffuse flow hydrothermal vents on Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Northeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Res. II, 56(19–20), 1586–1598, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.05.004. Cont. #: 3088 Pester, N.J., D.A. Butterfield, D.I. Foustoukos, K.K. Roe, K. Ding, T.M. Shank, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. (2008): The chemistry of diffuse-flow vent fluids on the Galapagos Rift (86°W): Temporal variability and subseafloor phase equilibria controls. In Magma to Microbe: Modeling Hydrothermal Processes at Oceanic Spreading Centers, AGU Geophysical Monograph 178, 123–144. Cont. #: 3186 Resing, J.A., E.T. Baker, J.E. Lupton, S.L. Walker, D.A. Butterfield, G.J. Massoth, and K.-I. Nakamura (2009): Chemistry of hydrothermal plumes above submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10(2), Q02009, doi: 10.1029/2008GC002141. Cont. #: 3286 Tunnicliffe, V., K.T.A. Davies, D.A. Butterfield, R.W. Embley, J.M. Rose, and W.W. Chadwick, Jr. (2009): Survival of mussels in extremely acidic waters on a submarine volcano. Nature Geosci., 2, 344–348, doi: 10.1038/ngeo500. Fiscal Year 2008 Cont. #: 3162 Embley, R.W., E.T. Baker, D.A. Butterfield, W.W. Chadwick, Jr., J.E. Lupton, J.A. Resing, C.E.J. de Ronde, K.-I. Nakamura, V. Tunnicliffe, J.F. Dower, and S.G. Merle (2007): Exploring the submarine ring of fire: Mariana Arc—Western Pacific. Oceanography, 20(4), 68–79, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2007.07. Cont. #: 3047 Huber, J.A., D.B.M. Welch, H.G. Morrison, S.M. Huse, P.R. Neal, D.A. Butterfield, and M.L. Sogin (2007): Microbial population structures in the deep marine biosphere. Science, 318(5847), 97–100, doi: 10.1126/science.1146689. Cont. #: 3049 Kadko, D., K. Gronvold, and D. Butterfield (2007): Application of radium isotopes to determine crustal residence times of hydrothermal fluids from two sites on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71(24), 6019–6029, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.09.018. Cont. #: 3148 Lupton, J., M. Lilley, D. Butterfield, L. Evans, R. Embley, G. Massoth, B. Christenson, K.-I. Nakamura, and M. Schmidt (2008): Venting of a separate CO2-rich gas phase from submarine arc volcanoes: Examples from the Mariana and Tonga-Kermadec arcs. J. Geophys. Res., 113, B08S12, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005467. Cont. #: 2987 Sharma, M., E. Rosenberg, and D. Butterfield (2007): Search for the proverbial mantle osmium sources to the oceans: Hydrothermal alteration of mid-ocean ridge basalt. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71(19), 4655-4667, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.06.062. Fiscal Year 2007 Cont. #: 3002 Carney, S.L., J.F. Flores, K.M. Orobona, D.A. Butterfield, C.R. Fisher, and S.W. Schaeffer (2007): Environmental differences in hemoglobin gene expression in the hydrothermal vent tubework, Ridgeia piscesae. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part B, 146(2), 326–337, doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2006.11.002. Cont. #: 3050 Fontaine, F.J., W.S.D. Wilcock, and D.A. Butterfield (2007): Physical controls on the salinity of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 257(1–2), 132–145, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.02.027. Cont. #: 2797 Huber, J.A., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Baross (2006): Diversity and distribution of subseafloor Thermococcales populations in diffuse hydrothermal vents at an active deep-sea volcano in the northeast Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 111, G04016, doi: 10.1029/2005JG000097. Cont. #: 3048 Kelly, N., A. Metaxas, and D.A. Butterfield (2007): Spatial and temporal patterns of colonization by deep-sea hydrothermal vent invertebrates on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific. Aquat. Biol., 1, 1–16, doi: 10.3354/ab00001. Cont. #: 2999 Nielsen, S.G., M. Rehkämper, D.A.H. Teagle, D.A. Butterfield, J.C. Alt, and A.N. Halliday (2006): Hydrothermal fluid fluxes calculated from the isotopic mass balance of thallium in the ocean crust. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 251(1–2), 120–133, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.09.002. Fiscal Year 2006 Cont. #: 2893 Embley, R.W., W.W. Chadwick, Jr., E.T. Baker, D.A. Butterfield, J.A. Resing, C.E.J. de Ronde, V. Tunnicliffe, J.E. Lupton, S.K. Juniper, K.H. Rubin, R.J. Stern, G.T. Lebon, K.-I. Nakamura, S.G. Merle, J.R. Hein, D.A. Wiens, and Y. Tamura (2006): Long-term eruptive activity at a submarine arc volcano. Nature, 441(7092), 494–497, doi: 10.1038/nature04762. Cont. #: 2851 Hey, R.N., G.J. Massoth, R.C. Vrijenhoek, P.A. Rona, J. Lupton, and D.A. Butterfield (2006): Hydrothermal vent geology and biology at Earth’s fastest spreading rates. Mar. Geophys. Res., 27(2), 137–153, doi: 10.1007/s11001-005-1887-x. Cont. #: 2742 Huber, J.A., H.P. Johnson, D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Baross (2006): Microbial life in ridge flank crustal fluids. Environ. Microbiol., 8(1), 88–99, doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00872.x. Cont. #: 2781 Lang, S.Q., D.A. Butterfield, M.D. Lilley, H.P. Johnson, and J.I. Hedges (2006): Dissolved organic carbon in ridge-axis and ridge-flank hydrothermal systems. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70(15), 3830–3842, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.04.031. Cont. #: 2973 Ludwig, K., D.S. Kelley, D.A. Butterfield, B.K. Nelson, and G. Früh-Green (2006): Formation and evolution of carbonate chimneys at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70(14), 3625–3645, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.04.016. Cont. #: 2843 Lupton, J., D. Butterfield, M. Lilley, L. Evans, K.-I. Nakamura, W. Chadwick, Jr., J. Resing, R. Embley, E. Olson, G. Proskurowski, E. Baker, C. de Ronde, K. Roe, R. Greene, G. Lebon, and C. Young (2006): Submarine venting of liquid carbon dioxide on a Mariana Arc volcano. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, Q08007, doi: 10.1029/2005GC001152. Fiscal Year 2005 Cont. #: 2723 Kelley, D.S., J.A. Karson, G.L. Früh-Green, D. Yoerger, T.M. Shank, D.A. Butterfield, J.M. Hayes, M.O. Schrenk, E. Olson, G. Proskurowski, M. Jakuba, A. Bradley, B. Larson, K. Ludwig, D. Glickson, K. Buckman, A.S. Bradley, B. Brazelton, K. Roe, M.J. Elend, A. Delacour, S.M. Bernasconi, M.D. Lilley, J.A. Baross, R.E. Summons, and S.P. Sylva (2005): A serpentinite-hosted ecosystem: The Lost City hydrothermal field. Science, 307(5714), 1434–1440, doi: 10.1126/science.1102556. Fiscal Year 2004 Cont. #: 2461 Butterfield, D.A., K.K. Roe, M.D. Lilley, J. Huber, J.A. Baross, R.W. Embley, and G.J. Massoth (2004): Mixing, reaction and microbial activity in sub-seafloor revealed by temporal and spatial variation in diffuse flow vents at Axial Volcano. In The Subseafloor Biosphere at Mid-Ocean Ridges, W.S.D. Wilcock, E.F. DeLong, D.S. Kelley, J.A. Baross, and S.C. Cary (eds.), Geophys. Monogr. Ser., Vol. 144, AGU, 269–289. Cont. #: 2536 Shank, T., D. Fornari, D. Yoerger, S. Humphris, A. Bradley, S. Hammond, J. Lupton, D. Scheirer, R. Collier, A.L. Reysenbach, K. Ding, W. Seyfried, D. Butterfield, E. Olson, M. Lilley, N. Ward, and J. Eisen (2003): Deep submergence synergy: Alvin and ABE explore the Galápagos Rift at 86°W. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(41), 425-440, doi: 10.1029/2003EO410001. Fiscal Year 2003 Cont. #: 2575 Butterfield, D., and D. Kelley (2003): Update on the Endeavour Ridge 2000 Integrated Studies site. Ridge 2000 Events, 1(1), 4, 810. Cont. #: 2462 Butterfield, D.A., Y. Fouquet, M. Halbach, P.E. Halbach, S.E. Humphris, M.D. Lilley, V. Lüders, S. Petersen, W.E. Seyfried, Jr., M. Shimizu, and M.K. Tivey (2003): Group Report: How can we describe the fluid-mineral processes and the related energy and material fluxes? In Energy and Mass Transfer in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems, P.E. Halbach, V. Tunnicliffe, and J. Hein (eds.), Dahlem Workshop Report Volume 89, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 183–209. Cont. #: 2402 Butterfield, D.A., W.E. Seyfried, Jr., and M.D. Lilley (2003): Composition and evolution of hydrothermal fluids. In Energy and Mass Transfer in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems, P.E. Halbach, V. Tunnicliffe, and J. Hein (eds.), Dahlem Workshop Report Volume 89, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 123161. Cont. #: 2325 Cowen, J.P., S.J. Giovannoni, F. Kenig, H.P. Johnson, D.A. Butterfield, M.S. Rappe, M. Hutnak, and P. Lam (2003): Fluids from aging ocean crust that support microbial life. Science, 299, 120–123, doi: 10.1126/science.1075653. Cont. #: 2568 Früh-Green, G.L., D.S. Kelley, S.M. Bernasconi, J.A. Karson, K.A. Ludwig, D.A. Butterfield, C. Boschi, and G. Proskurowski (2003): 30,000 years of hydrothermal activity at Lost City vent field. Science, 301(5630), 495–498, doi: 10.1126/science.1085582. Cont. #: 2530 Huber, J.A., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Baross (2003): Bacterial diversity in a subseafloor habitat following a deep-sea volcanic eruption. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 43(3), 393–409, doi: 10.1016/S0168-6496(02)00451-8. Cont. #: 2507 Lilley, M.D., D.A. Butterfield, J.E. Lupton, and E.J. Olson (2003): Magmatic events can produce rapid changes in hydrothermal vent chemistry. Nature, 422(6934), 878–881, doi: 10.1038/nature01569. Cont. #: 2531 Mehta, M.P., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Baross (2003): Phylogenetic diversity of nitrogenase (nifH) genes in deep sea and hydrothermal vent environments of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 69(2), 960–970, doi: 10.1128/AEM.69.2.960-970.2003. Fiscal Year 2002 Cont. #: 1962 Butterfield, D.A., B.K. Nelson, C.G. Wheat, M.J. Mottl, and K.K. Roe (2001): Evidence for basaltic Sr in midocean ridge-flank hydrothermal systems and implications for the global oceanic Sr isotope balance. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 65(22), 4141–4153, doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00712-8. Cont. #: 2401 Huber, J.A., D.A. Butterfield, and J.A. Baross (2002): Temporal changes in archaeal diversity and chemistry in a mid-ocean ridge subseafloor habitat. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 68(4), 1585–1594, doi: 10.1128/AEM.68.4.1585-1594.2002. Fiscal Year 2001 Cont. #: 2316 Chadwick, W., E. Baker, D. Butterfield, P. Canales, S. Carbotte, D. Caress, D. Chadwell, R. Detrick, J. Diebold, A. Harding, J. Hildebrand, H. Jannasch, K. Johnson, G. Kent, R. Koski, J. Morton, W. Normark, M. Perfit, C. Reiss, G. Sasagawa, M. Smith, F. Spiess, D. Stakes, M.A. Tivey, S. Tucker, G. Wheat, and M. Zumberge (2001): The RIDGE seafloor observatory at the Cleft Segment: Investigation of linkages between geodetic, geophysical, geochemical, and water column processes. RIDGE Events, 11(1), February 2001, 1824. Cont. #: 2398 Kelley, D., J. Karson, D. Blackman, G. Früh-Green, D. Butterfield, M. Lilley, M. Schrenk, E. Olson, K. Roe, J. Lebon, and Shipboard Scientific Party (2001): Discovery of Lost City: An off-axis, peridotite-hosted, hydrothermal field near 30°N on the mid-Atlantic Ridge. RIDGE Events, 11(2), June 2001, 3–9. Cont. #: 2310 Kelley, D.S., J.A. Karson, D.K. Blackman, G.L. Früh-Green, D.A. Butterfield, M.D. Lilley, E.J. Olson, M.O. Schrenk, K.K. Roe, G.T. Lebon, P. Rivizzigno, J. Cann, and AT3-60 Shipboard Party (2001): An off-axis hydrothermal vent field near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 30°N. Nature, 412, 145–149, doi: 10.1038/35084000. Cont. #: 2219 Tivey, M.K., K. Bemis, A.M. Bradley, D. Butterfield, J.R. Delaney, K. Ding, R.P. Dziak, C. Fisher, C.G. Fox, S. Hautala, D. Jackson, H.W. Jannasch, H.P. Johnson, C. Jones, S.K. Juniper, D.S. Kelley, D. Kadko, M. Lilley, R.E. McDuff, P. Rona, J. Sarrazin, A. Schultz, W.E. Seyfried, Jr., R.E. Thomson, C.G. Wheat, W.S.D. Wilcock, D. Wright, and D. Yoerger (2001): The RIDGE Endeavour Segment seafloor observatory: Recent successes and an overview of coordinated experiments for Y2K. RIDGE Events, 11(1), February 2001, 1017. Fiscal Year 2000 Cont. #: 2042 Butterfield, D.A. (2000): Deep ocean hydrothermal vents. In Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, Academic Press, 857875. Cont. #: 2103 Sharma, M., G.J. Wasserburg, A.W. Hofmann, and D.A. Butterfield (2000): Osmium isotopes in hydrothermal fluids from the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 179(1), 139–152, doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00099-6. Fiscal Year 1999 Cont. #: 1896 Embley, R.W., J.E. Lupton, G. Massoth, T. Urabe, V. Tunnicliffe, D.A. Butterfield, T. Shibata, O. Okano, M. Kinoshita, and K. Fujioka (1998): Geologic, chemical, and biologic evidence for recent volcanism at 17.5°S: East Pacific Rise. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 163, 131–147, doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00181-2. Fiscal Year 1998 Cont. #: 1973 Delaney, J.R., D.S. Kelley, M.D. Lilley, D.A. Butterfield, J.A. Baross, W.S.D. Wilcock, R.W. Embley, and M. Summit (1998): The quantum event of oceanic crustal accretion: Impacts of diking at mid-ocean ridges. Science, 281(5374), 222–230, doi: 10.1126/science.281.5374.222. Cont. #: 1985 Delaney, J.R., D.S. Kelley, M.D. Lilley, D.A. Butterfield, R.E. McDuff, J.A. Baross, J.W. Deming, H.P. Johnson, and V. Robigou (1998): The Endeavour hydrothermal system I: Cellular circulation above an active cracking front yields large sulfide structures, "fresh" vent water, and hyperthermophilic archaea. RIDGE Events, 8(2), 1119. Cont. #: 1855 Kadko, D., and D. Butterfield (1998): The relationship of hydrothermal fluid composition and crustal residence time to maturity of vent fields on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 62(9), 1521–1534, doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00088-X. Cont. #: 1721 Tunnicliffe, V., R.W. Embley, J.F. Holden, D.A. Butterfield, G.J. Massoth, and S.K. Juniper (1997): Biological colonization of new hydrothermal vents following an eruption on Juan de Fuca Ridge. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. I, 44(9–10), 1627–1644, doi: 10.1016/S0967-0637(97)00041-1. Fiscal Year 1997 Cont. #: 1731 Butterfield, D.A., I.R. Jonasson, G.J. Massoth, R.A. Feely, K.K. Roe, R.E. Embley, J.F. Holden, R.E. McDuff, M.D. Lilley, and J.R. Delaney (1997): Seafloor eruptions and evolution of hydrothermal fluid chemistry. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 355, 369–386, doi: 10.1098/rsta.1997.0013. Cont. #: 1901 Delaney, J.R., D.S. Kelley, M.D. Lilley, D.A. Butterfield, R.E. McDuff, J.A. Baross, J.W. Deming, H.P. Johnson, and V. Robigou (1997): The Endeavour Hydrothermal System I: Cellular circulation above an active cracking front yields large sulfide structures, "fresh" vent water, and hyperthermophilic archaea. RIDGE Events, 8(2), July 1997, 1119. Fiscal Year 1995 Cont. #: 1447 Butterfield, D.A., R.E. McDuff, J.M. Franklin, and C.G. Wheat (1994): Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Chapter 20 in Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 139, M.J. Mottl, E.E. Davis, A.T. Fisher, and J.F. Slack (eds.), College Station, TX, 395410. Cont. #: 1532 Embley, R.W., W.W. Chadwick, Jr., I.R. Jonasson, D.A. Butterfield, and E.T. Baker (1995): Initial results of a rapid response to the 1993 CoAxial event: Relationships between hydrothermal and volcanic processes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 22(2), 143–146, doi: 10.1029/94GL02281. Cont. #: 1530 Lupton, J.E., E.T. Baker, G.J. Massoth, R.E. Thomson, B.J. Burd, D.A. Butterfield, R.W. Embley, and G.A. Cannon (1995): Variations in water-column 3He/heat ratios associated with the 1993 CoAxial event, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geophys. Res. Lett., 22(2), 155–158, doi: 10.1029/94GL02797. Cont. #: 1534 Massoth, G.J., E.T. Baker, R.A. Feely, D.A. Butterfield, R.E. Embley, J.E. Lupton, R.E. Thomson, and G.A. Cannon (1995): Observations of manganese and iron at CoAxial seafloor eruption site, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geophys. Res. Lett., 22(2), 151–154, doi: 10.1029/94GL02662. Fiscal Year 1994 Cont. #: 1417 Butterfield, D.A., and G.J. Massoth (1994): Geochemistry of north Cleft segment vent fluids: Temporal changes in chlorinity and their possible relation to recent volcanism. J. Geophys. Res., 99(B3), 4951–4968, doi: 10.1029/93JB02798. Cont. #: 1416 Butterfield, D.A., R.E. McDuff, M.J. Mottl, M.D. Lilley, J.E. Lupton, and G.J. Massoth (1994): Gradients in the composition of hydrothermal fluids from the Endeavour Segment vent field: Phase separation and brine loss. J. Geophys. Res., 99(B5), 9561–9583, doi: 10.1029/93JB03132. Cont. #: 1037 Massoth, G.J., E.T. Baker, J.E. Lupton, R.A. Feely, D.A. Butterfield, K.L. Von Damm, K.K. Roe, and G.T. Lebon (1994): Temporal and spatial variability of hydrothermal manganese and iron at Cleft Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. J. Geophys. Res., 99(B3), 4905–4923, doi: 10.1029/93JB02799. Cont. #: 1443 Trefry, J.H., D.B. Butterfield, S. Metz, G.J. Massoth, R.P. Trocine, and R.A. Feely (1994): Trace metals in hydrothermal solutions from Cleft segment on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge. J. Geophys. Res., 99(B3), 4925–4935, doi: 10.1029/93JB02108. Cont. #: 1689 You, C.F., D.A. Butterfield, A.J. Spivack, J.M. Gieskes, T. Gamo, and A.J. Campbell (1994): Boron and halide systematics in submarine hydrothermal systems: Effects of phase separation and sedimentary contributions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 123(1–3), 227–238, doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90270-4. Fiscal Year 1993 Cont. #: 1583 Lilley, M.D., D.A. Butterfield, E.J. Olson, J.E. Lupton, S.A. Macko, and R.E. McDuff (1993): Anomalous CH4 and NH4+ concentrations at an unsedimented mid-ocean-ridge hydrothermal system. Nature, 364, 45–47, doi: 10.1038/364045a0. Cont. #: 1362 Mortlock, R.A., P.N. Froelich, R.A. Feely, G.J. Massoth, D.A. Butterfield, and J.E. Lupton (1993): Silica and germanium in Pacific Ocean hydrothermal vents and plumes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 119(3), 365–378, doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(93)90144-X. Fiscal Year 1990 Cont. #: 1128 Butterfield, D.A., G.J. Massoth, R.E. McDuff, J.E. Lupton, and M.D. Lilley (1990): Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from Axial Seamount Hydrothermal Emissions Study Vent Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Subseafloor boiling and subsequent fluid-rock interaction. J. Geophys. Res., 95(B8), 12,895–12,921, doi: 10.1029/JB095iB08p12895. Fiscal Year 1989 Cont. #: 1108 Massoth, G.J., D.A. Butterfield, J.E. Lupton, R.E. McDuff, M.D. Lilley, and I.R. Jonasson (1989): Submarine venting of phase-separated hydrothermal fluids at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Nature, 340(6236), 702–705, doi: 10.1038/340702a0. Cont. #: 1011 Massoth, G.J., H.B. Milburn, S.R. Hammond, D.A. Butterfield, R.E. McDuff, and J.E. Lupton (1989): The geochemistry of submarine venting fluids at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge: New sampling methods and a VENTS Program rationale. In Global Venting, Midwater, and Benthic Ecological Processes, National Undersea Research Program Report 88-4, M.P. De Luca and I. Babb (eds.), 29–59. 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