These videos are freely available here and from the NOAA PMEL YouTube channel. If you make use of them, please credit NOAA. Please note that your use of the material does not constitute a NOAA endorsement of any product that you create, and we request that you do not expressly state or imply that NOAA endorses the product you create. Please contact us if you see a video on YouTube that's not listed here:
PMEL at Work
- Ocean to Atmosphere: Research and Innovation at NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The Ocean: Earth's CO2 Sponge YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Using Acoustics and eDNA Innovations to Study Blue Whales YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Western Boundary Currents and Spray Gliders YouTube & mp4 & script & website <Telly Award!>
- Atmospheric Chemistry Research at NOAA/PMEL YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Observing Technology YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Seas of Knowledge: What the Puzzle Reveals YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Seas of Knowledge: Putting the Puzzle Together YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Seas of Knowledge: The Expedition Storm, 1861 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Seas of Knowledge: Weather Patterns, 1850-2014 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Arctic Observing Technology YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Age of Arctic Sea Ice in March 1984-2016 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Old Weather: Citizen Scientists YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Oceanography from the Sky YouTube & mp4 & website
- Deploying an Alamo float in the Arctic from the NOAA Twin Otter YouTube & mp4 & website
- Saildrones explore the Bering Sea: Summer 2016 YouTube & mp4 & website & transcript
- Northern Polar Stratospheric Temperature Anomalies in March (1981-2016) YouTube & mp4 & website
- Saildrone at Sea: Summer 2015 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Old Weather: Our Weather's Past, the Climate's Future YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Age of Arctic Sea Ice in March 1987-2014 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Aerial Sea Ice Mission with the WP-3D Orion Research Aircraft YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Mackenzie River Plume 2008 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Rediscovery YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Sounds of the Arctic Sea Ice Pack YouTube & mp4 & script & Arctic Rediscovery website & RUSALCA website
- Ocean Sounds in the Arctic YouTube & mp4 & website
NOAA Arctic Report Card
- Arctic Report Card 2024 website
- Arctic Report Card 2023 website
- Arctic Report Card 2022 website
- Full-length video YouTube & mp4 & script & script (Spanish)
- 30-second social media promo YouTube & mp4
- Wilson Justin Oral History (from essay entitled "Consequences of rapid environmental Arctic change for people") YouTube & mp4 & script
- Arctic Sea Ice Age at Yearly Minimum (Years 1984-2022) animation mp4 (credit: Eric Hackathorn, NOAA GSL)
- Greenland Surface Melt Extent animation mp4 (credit: Eric Hackathorn, NOAA GSL)
- Arctic Report Card 2021 website
- Arctic Report Card 2020 website
- Arctic Report Card 2019 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2018 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2017 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2016 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2015 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2014 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2013 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2012 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2011 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Arctic Report Card 2010 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
North Pole Web Cams
- North Pole Web Cam 2015 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2014 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2013 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2012 YouTube & mp4 & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2011 YouTube & mp4 & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2010 - Highlights YouTube & mp4 & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2010 (full length) YouTube & mp4 & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2009 YouTube & mp4 & website
- North Pole Web Cam 2008 YouTube & mp4 & website
- First North Pole Web Cam (2002) YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Approaching the North Pole on an Icebreaker Aug-Sep 2011 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Voyage to the North Pole on an Icebreaker Summer 2007 YouTube & mp4 & website
Atmospheric Chemistry
- Mobile labs of the Atmospheric Chemistry Group - PMEL Behind the Scenes YouTube & mp4 & website
- Atmospheric Chemistry Research at NOAA/PMEL YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Remotely operated aircraft measure Arctic soot YouTube & mp4 & script & website
Buoys, Observations, and Engineering
- ATLAS Buoy in the Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array (GTMBA) - PMEL Behind the Scenes YouTube & mp4 & website
- Western Boundary Currents and Spray Gliders YouTube & mp4 & script & website <Telly Award!>
- Saildrone Mission to the Equator YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Explaining the 2015-2016 El Niño YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- El Niño is Predictable YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Explaining the 2014 "El Niño" YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Deploying a Climate Monitoring Buoy at Ocean Station Papa YouTube & mp4 & website
- Saildrone in San Francisco in 2015 YouTube & mp4 & website
- NOAA Ocean Station Papa Buoy Recovery YouTube & mp4 & website
- NOAA Ocean Station Papa Buoy Deployment YouTube & mp4 & website
- Evolution of the 2009-2010 El Niño YouTube & mp4 & website
- Carbon wave glider deployment YouTube & mp4 & website
- PICO: Flexible, Low Cost Ocean Observations YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- DART Easy to Deploy (ETD) YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Wave Gliders YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- DART® Tsunami Detection Buoy YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- PICO Moored Ocean Buoy YouTube & mov & script & website
- ARC Ocean Buoy YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- TAO EL Niño Observing System YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- High precision instruments monitor the ocean from the seafloor YouTube & mp4 & script & website
Ocean Acidification
- The Ocean: Earth's CO2 Sponge YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Tracking our changing oceans across political boundaries YouTube & mp4 & website
- A Day in the Life YouTube & mp4 & website
- Leaving San Francisco YouTube & mp4 & website
- Ring around the rosette YouTube & mp4 & website
- Dolphins at Sunset YouTube & mp4 & website
- The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Pteropod Shells YouTube & mp4 & website
- Tracking an Ocean of Carbon YouTube & mov & mp4 & script & website
- Excerpt from A Sea Change YouTube & m4v & script & website
- Cape Mendocino, California Tsunami propagation - December 5, 2024 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Hyuganada Sea, Japan (Kyushu) Tsunami propagation - August 8, 2024 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Taiwan Tsunami propagation - April 2, 2024 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Aquila, Mexico Tsunami propagation - September 19, 2022 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apa Volcano-generated Tsunami propagation - January 15, 2022 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- South Sandwich Islands Tsunami propagation - August 12, 2021 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Perryville, Alaska Tsunami propagation - July 29, 2021 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Kermadec Islands Tsunami propagation - March 4, 2021 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Loyalty Islands Tsunami propagation - February 10, 2021 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Sand Point, AK Tsunami propagation - October 19, 2020 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Tsunami Inundation Modeling of San Juan Islands, Washington, due to a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake website
- Alaska Peninsula, AK Tsunami propagation - July 22, 2020 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Oaxaca, Mexico Tsunami propagation - June 23, 2020 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Kuril Islands Tsunami propagation - March 25, 2020 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Kermadec Tsunami Propagation - June 15, 2019 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Sulawesi Tsunami Propagation - September 28, 2018 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Kodiak, Alaska Tsunami Propagation - January 23, 2018 - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Pijijiapan, Mexico Tsunami Propagation - September 8, 2017 YouTube (mercator) | YouTube (spherical) & mp4 (mercator) | mp4 (spherical) & website
- Kirakira, Solomon Islands Tsunami Propagation - December 8, 2016 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Amberley, New Zealand Tsunami Propagation - November 13, 2016 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Gisborne, New Zealand Tsunami Propagation - September 1, 2016 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Ecuador Tsunami Propagation - April 16, 2016 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Tsunami science: 10 years since Sumatra 2004 - YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Simulated Cascadia Event - U.S. West Coast propagation - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Simulated Cascadia Event - Global propagation - YouTube & mp4 & website
- Solomon Islands Tsunami Propagation - April 19, 2014 YouTube & mov & website
- Guerrero, Mexico Tsunami Propagation - April 18, 2014 YouTube & mov & website
- Solomon Islands Tsunami Propagation - April 13, 2014 YouTube & mov & website
- Solomon Islands Tsunami Propagation - April 12, 2014 YouTube & mov & website
- Iquique, Chile Tsunami Propagation - April 1, 2014 YouTube & mov (small) & mov (large) & website
- The Great Alaska Tsunami Propagation with model validation - March 28, 1964 YouTube & mov & website
- The Great Alaska Tsunami Propagation - March 28, 1964 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Honshu Tsunami Propagation - October 25, 2013 YouTube & mov & website
- Some coastlines are "Tsunami Magnets" YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Solomon Islands Tsunami Propagation - February 6, 2013 YouTube & mov & website
- Queen Charlotte Islands Tsunami Propagation - October 27, 2012 YouTube & mov & website
- Sumatra Tsunami Propagation - April 11, 2012 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Tsunami Generated by Earthquake Animation YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Kermadec Tsunami Propagation - July 6, 2011 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Underwater Microphone Captures Honshu, Japan Earthquake YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Honshu Tsunami Global Propagation - March 11, 2011 YouTube & mp4 & website
- "Killer Wave, Born of Fire" - Historical Tsunami in Okushiri, Japan - Jul. 12, 1993 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Narrated Honshu Tsunami Propagation - March 11, 2011 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Honshu Tsunami Propagation - March 11, 2011 YouTube & mp4 & website
- TsunamiTeacher - Tsunami Basics YouTube & mov & script & website & website
- Chile Tsunami Event - February 27, 2010 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The Indian Ocean Tsunami Propagation - December 26, 2004 YouTube & mp4 & website
- Using Acoustics and eDNA Innovations to Study Blue Whales YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Challenger Deep: Ocean Noise YouTube & mp4 & script & website
Earth-Ocean Interactions
- Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorders (MAPR) - PMEL Behind the Scenes YouTube & mp4 & website
- Deep ash and hydrothermal plumes at West Mata submarine volcano, November 2017 YouTube & mp4
- Submarine Ring of Fire 2014 - Ironman YouTube & mp4 (.zip) & scripts (.zip) & website
- The Discovery of the West Mata Volcano YouTube & mp4 & script & website
PMEL Events
PMEL Strategic Themes
- Climate-Weather Research YouTube Playlist & mp4 files (zip file) & website
- Marine Ecosystem Research YouTube Playlist & mp4 files (zip file) & website
- Oceans and Coastal Processes Research YouTube Playlist & mp4 files (zip file) & website
- Research Innovation YouTube Playlist & mp4 files (zip file) & website
PMEL Seminars
- Taking the temperature of the abyss: Observations of the deep ocean warming YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- MBARI's coastal profiling float: progress, science opportunities and tech transfer YouTube & mp4 & script
- Three decades at the interface between ocean science and technology YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Super Climate Extremes YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Planktonic associations / Record Arctic cyclone of January 2022 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Net Community Production rates at M2 / 29 years at M2 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Oceanographic conditions shape rockfish survival / Biogeochemical modeling of the NE Pacific YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Juvenile snow crab habitat and response to warming in the Chukchi Sea YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Musing on the recent state of the North Pacific climate system / The 5th National Climate Assessment Alaska Chapter: Communicating YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- AFSC's Recruitment Processes Alliance: Putting ecosystem data to works / Automating the RZA for ecosystem based management YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Atmospheric circulation anomalies / Phytoplankton bloom timing vs zooplankton diapause YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The importance of using zooplankton as ecosystem indicators / How do we identify fish larvae? / Wave measurements from saildrones YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Seasonal Ice and Changes in the Chukchi Sea: A Decade of Ice Draft Observations YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Assessing Niche Conservatism and Niche Packing Patterns in African and Southeast Asian Communities of Cyprinoidei YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Strategic mooring placement for monitoring water mass exchange through channels YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Synechococcus abundance and biomass in the Northern Bering and Chukchi seas YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The zooplankton community in the north Bering Sea responds differently to contrasting warm and cold periods YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Monitoring ocean acidification in Alaska's marine ecosystem YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature in frontal regions and reflections on an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Changing spring phenology in the Gulf of Alaska and implications for fish and fisheries YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The connection between physiology, ecology, and life histories from a macroecological perspective YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- More rare events in the Arctic YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Ocean, ice and atmosphere in the changing Arctic YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Upper ocean carbon cycle dynamics YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- A dive into Chukchi Sea nutrient cycling YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Snow crab in a rapidly changing ocean YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Climate Change and Alaska Marine Ecosystem YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Effects of Climate Change on Zooplankton Communities YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The Science of Sea-Bird Scientific YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Winter in the Changing Arctic: Overwintering Onboard RV Polarstern YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- An Old, New Threat: Increasing Fisheries and Seabird Bycatch in the Canadian Arctic YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The Contribution of Diet to the Dramatic Reduction of the 2013 Year-Class of Age-0 Pollock in the Western Gulf of Alaska YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Lightning Talks Fall 2020-Labrador Sea Freshening, Summer pCO2 Dynamics, Ocean Acidification Indices YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Communities: Finding Courage, Compassion, and Commitment to Act in the Arctic and South Pacific YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- From the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Alaska: Impacts of oceanography on fish early life stages YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Improved Biophysical Observations from a Profiling Moored Observing Platform in the SE Bering Sea YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Chukchi Sea Ice Draft: multiple years and changing seasons near Icy Cape, Alaska YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Warm anomalies at depth in the northwestern Gulf of Alaska in summer 2019 YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Phylogenomic analysis of flatfishes based on exon-capture data YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- The Big Arctic Melt... YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Runaway Change in the Arctic? Extreme 2016 Temperatures YouTube & mp4 & script & website
- Was the record warm winter 2016 another Arctic Surprise? YouTube & mp4 & RunawayArcticAbstract.pdf & website & video description pdf & script
Note: Information in the videos is available from PMEL's web pages, indicated by the website link for each video.