Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (TIP)
The Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (TIP) will be responsible for development, co-ordination, and implementation of moored buoy programs in the tropical ocean regions as part of an integrated approach to observing the climate system to address the research needs of CLIVAR and the operational strategies of GOOS and GCOS.
The TIP will serve the needs of GOOS and GCOS in its role as an Action Group of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) and as an integral component of the Data Buoy Observations Team within the Observations Program Area of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). The TIP will also co-ordinate tropical moored buoy program implementation on behalf of CLIVAR and, in particular, provide oversight and co-ordination for experimental pilot arrays.
The Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel replaces the TAO Implementation Panel (also designated as TIP) which was decommissioned in 2001.
Terms of reference
The terms of reference for the Panel are:
- To promote an integrated approach to moored buoy observations of the climate system in the tropics, through development of common calibration standards, sampling, and reporting procedures, and through co-ordination with other CLIVAR, GOOS, and GCOS panels involved with observing system maintenance and development.
- To assist in the preparation of annual operating plans for the TAO/TRITON array, PIRATA array, and related moored buoy arrays in the tropical oceans.
- To promote and co-ordinate the exchange of technical and logistic information between institutions participating in the maintenance of these arrays.
- To encourage the rapid dissemination of moored buoy data in real time via the Global Telecommunications System and other mechanisms of the Data Management Program Area of JCOMM; and to encourage user feedback on the timeliness, accuracy, and utility of the data,
- To advise CLIVAR and GOOS/GCOS (via the JCOMM Observation Program Area) on the technical feasibility of expansions and enhancements to existing program, or the implementation of new moored buoy programmes in the tropics and adjoining areas.
- To facilitate capacity building at institutions seeking involvement in the deployment and maintenance of moored buoy arrays in support of CLIVAR, GOOS, and GCOS, in co-ordination with the Education, Training and Capacity Program Area of JCOMM.
- To ensure that organizations actively involved in the use of moored buoy data are informed of the workings of the panel and to encourage, as appropriate, their participation in the panel deliberations.
- To report annually to the CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations (GSOP) Panel, the GOOS/GCOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), to the Data Buoy Co-operation Panel, and to JCOMM through the Data Buoy Observations Team.
Membership will be open to all participants engaged in the tropical moored buoy programs. To ensure proper co-ordination with CLIVAR research initiatives, up to four experts will be nominated by CLIVAR to attend TIP meetings. The Chair shall be appointed through an agreement between the sponsoring groups (CLIVAR and JCOMM). Currently, M. McPhaden (NOAA/PMEL, USA) is chairman of the panel and K. Ando (JAMSTEC, Japan) is vice-chair.