FY 2023 Strategy for NOAA Carbon Dioxide Removal Research: A white paper documenting a potential NOAA CDR Science Strategy as an element of NOAA’s Climate Interventions Portfolio Cross, J.N., C. Sweeney, E.B. Jewett, R.A. Feely, P. McElhany, B. Carter, T. Stein, G. Kitch, D.K. Gledhill, S. Alin, L. Barbero, T. Boyer, R. Briggs, J.P. Dunne, P. Hogan, L.-Q. Jiang, J.G. John, J. Harris, J. Hollarsmith, A. Krepp, K. Longmire, M. Litzow, J. Morris, E. Osborne, D. Pierrot, D. Pilcher, A. Sutton, K. Tedesco, L. Vaughan, and K. Larsen NOAA OAR Special Report, NOAA Science Council, Washington, DC, https://sciencecouncil.noaa.gov/cdr-strategy/, doi: 10.25923/gzke-8730 (2023) About this white paper: This document was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Carbon Dioxide Removal Task Team (CDR Task Team), a cross-NOAA interdisciplinary team with relevant expertise in climate and carbon, coastal and open ocean science, aquaculture development, and ocean conservation. In November of 2020, the CDR Task Team was charged by the Senior Research Council of the NOAA Office of Ocean and Atmospheric Research (OAR) with devising a draft portfolio of CDR strategic research needs in support of a broader climate recovery strategy pursuant to Sect. 214 and 216 of White House Executive Order No. 14008, 86 FR 7619, which was endorsed by the NOAA Science Council in January 2022. This document also contains information relevant to White House memo M-21-32 “Multi-Agency Research and Development Priorities for the FY 2023 Budget.” Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Help