FY 2020 National ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes region acidification research Osborne, E.B., E.B. Jewett, D.K. Gledhill, R.A. Feely, K. Osgood, K.M. Arzayus, J.M. Mintz, D.S. Busch, J. Tomczuk, and M.P. Acquafredda Chapter 1 in NOAA Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Acidification Research Plan: 2020-2029, Jewett, E.B., E.B. Osborne, K.M. Arzayus, K. Osgood, B.J. DeAngelo, and J.M. Mintz (eds.), https://oceanacidification.noaa.gov/ResearchPlan2020 (2020) The National Chapter includes acidification research objectives that are collectively relevant to the open ocean, the continental shelves, and coastal zones of the U.S, its territories, and the Great Lakes region. Acidification is driven primarily by the anthropogenic carbon dioxide absorbed and dissolved in the upper ocean and Great Lakes, and is causing wide-scale changes in the chemistry and biology of these systems. In addition, a number of important regional processes influence regionally unique ecosystems, and impact human communities. NOAA’s national ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes acidification research goals are to: Expand and advance observing systems and technologies to improve the understanding and predictive capability of acidification trends and processes; Understand and predict ecosystem response and adaptive capacity of ecologically and economically important species to acidification and co-stressors; and Identify and engage stakeholders and partners, assess needs, and generate products and tools that support management, adaptation, and resilience to acidification. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Help