PMEL Strategic Plan
What We Hope to Achieve
Predictable, safe, and healthy oceans based on scientific knowledge and sustained for future generations as our planet changes.
What We Do
Deliver trusted scientific information through innovative oceanographic and atmospheric research, observations, and technology development in support of society's response to urgent global and regional environmental challenges.
Attitudes, Behaviors, and Beliefs That Underpin What We Do
EXCELLENCE that delivers the highest quality science relevant to society, through the dedicated effort and integrity of every team member.
INNOVATION that advances our mission and energizes the organization through the creative ideas and unique talents of every contributor.
TEAMWORK AND PARTNERSHIPS that value the contributions of all, blending the full range of skills, experiences, and perspectives.
OPENNESS in distribution of our data and approach to research.
COMMUNICATION of our science that engages and informs those we serve in the region, the nation, and the world.
INTEGRITY in how we conduct and communicate our science.
COMMITMENT to achieving equity, inclusion, and diversity in the earth sciences.
Prepare society to respond to a rapidly changing planet by leading integrated and interdisciplinary ocean, atmosphere, climate, and ecosystem research.
Drive scientific discovery and research through groundbreaking technology development, engineering, and systems design.
Position PMEL to succeed in a changing world by nurturing the passion and dedication of our people, building vibrant and diverse partnerships, and investing in a diverse, inclusive, and high-performing organization.
Historical Documents
Banner image credit Lindsey Leigh Graham/NOAA, August 2019
PMEL goals and objectives 2021-2030 infographic