Sharing our knowledge and collected information of new observation platforms and sensors to advance ocean observations pole to pole.
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This program contains experimental platforms and sensors, data will be released publicly only once the data quality can be verified. If public release is deemed appropriate, and is approved by each partner in a project, final, post-processed data will be shared via the NOAA-NCEI National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) for oceanographic data. Public release and access will accordingly be arranged through NCEI’s Geoportal.
Prior to free public release, experimental data may be shared on a case-by-case basis for research and QA/QC purposes. Data access can be requested by clicking on the Request Data link above. Publication of these data and associated results will also be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Images and text associated with this cruise report may be used for presentations or white papers with permission from the managing PI.
Highlighted Publications
Mordy, C.W., E. Cokelet, A. DeRobertis, R. Jenkins, C. Meinig, C. Berchok, J. Crance, J. Cross, C. Kuhn, N. Lawrence-Slavas, P. Stabeno, J. Sterling, H. Tabisola, and I. Wangen (2017): Advances in ecosystem research: Saildrone surveys of oceanography, fish and marine mammals in the Bering Sea. Oceanography, 30, 2, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.230.
Cross, J.N., C.W. Mordy, H. Tabisola, C. Meinig, E.D. Cokelet, and P.J. Stabeno (2015): Innovative technology development for Arctic exploration. In Oceans 2015 MTS/IEEE, Marine Technology Society and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, DC, 19–22 October 2015. [PDF Version]
Cokelet, E.D., R. Jenkins, C. Meinig, N. Lawrence-Slavas, C.W. Mordy, P.J. Stabeno, H. Tabisola, and J.N. Cross (2015): The use of Saildrones to examine spring conditions in the Bering Sea: Instrument comparisons, sea ice meltwater and Yukon River plume studies. In Oceans 2015 MTS/IEEE, Marine Technology Society and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, DC, 19–22 October 2015. [PDF Version]
Meinig, C., R. Jenkins, N. Lawrence-Slavas, and H. Tabisola (2015): The use of Saildrones to examine spring conditions in the Bering Sea: Vehicle specification and mission performance. In Oceans 2015 MTS/IEEE, Marine Technology Society and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, DC, 19–22 October 2015. [PDF Version]
Publications can also be found by using both the PMEL Publications Search page or the Alaska Fisheries Science Center Publications page.
Highlighted Presentations
Cokelet, E. et al., Saildrone 2016: Simultaneously Measuring the Environment, Fishes and Marine Mammals in the Bering Sea. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK, 24 January, 2017.
Cross, J.N. et al., Next generation sensing platforms for extended deployments in large-scale, multidisciplinary adaptive sampling and observational networks, American Geophysical Union national meeting, San Francisco, CA, 14 Dec, 2016.
Cross, J.N., et al., Technological advances and issues of scaling for time-series data collections, Gordon Research Council Polar Marine Science Conference, invited talk, Ventura, CA, 30 Mar 2017.
Cross, J.N., et al., New Arctic observing technologies and resources, CPO-NESDIS Arctic technical interchange meeting, webinar, 06 June 2017.
Cross, J.N., et al., Stretching the scales of ocean observing: biogeochemistry from the Saildrone ASV, Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop, invited talk, Woods Hole, MA, 29 June 2017.
Cross, J.N., et al., Stretching the scales of ocean observing: biogeochemistry from the Saildrone ASV, National Weather Service Anchorage Desk, Anchorage, AK, 22 August 2017.DeRobertis, A., et al., Use of an autonomous sailing vehicle to measure fish abundance and vessel avoidance reactions. Joint Session of the ICES‐FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behavior and the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology, Nelson, New Zealand, 3 April 2017.
Farley, E., et al., Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Survey Phase II. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK, 24 January, 2017.Jaffe, J., Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans ’18. POGO-18 Meeting, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK, 25 January, 2017.
Kuhn, C., et al., Fish, fur seals, and Saildrones: using unmanned surface vehicles to understand how prey abundance and distribution influence northern fur seal behavior. The 6th International Bio-logging Science Symposium, Konstanz, Germany, 25 September 2017; 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, October 22-27, 2017.
Meinig, C. et al. Technology Developments for Arctic Observations and Beyond. NOAA's Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division Annual Meeting, May 11, 2017.Meinig, C. et al. Saildrone 2016: Simultaneously measuring the environment, fishes and marine mammals in the Bering Sea (Poster). Autonomous and Lagrangian Platforms and Sensors workshop, San Diego, CA, February 28, 2017
Meinig, C. et al. Saildrone 2017: Interdisciplinary Ocean Observations from the Arctic to the Tropics (Poster), NOAA Emerging Technology Workshop, College Park, MD, August 11, 2017.
Wood, K., et al., Results of the first Arctic Heat open science experiment. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 2017.
All presentations are available upon request to the Lead Author or by contacting Heather Tabisola, Research Coordinator for the ITAE program.