The WWW connects you to many sources of information related to hydrothermal vents, oceanography, expeditions and accompanying educational material. Searching the WWW for all these resources can be a complex voyage in itself. Provided here are links to some highly informative sites which in turn will link you to other avenues of exploration. Enjoy your journey!
NeMO Project Partners
NOAA Vents Program:
Part of NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), dedicated to researching and understanding hydrothermal venting processes. Since 1991,
Acoustics/Geophysics Program
has been using undersea hydrophones (in partnership with the U.S. Navy)
to detect undersea eruptions on the section of the mid-ocean ridge off the northwest coast of North America in real time.
The Vents Program collects, analyzes, and archives historical and time-series data of the NeMO site since 1984.
National Undersea Research Program (NURP):
The West Coast center of NURP funds research expeditions (such as NeMO) using submersibles such as the ROPOS ROV used in this project.
National Sea Grant Office:
Sea Grant is a partnership between universities and NOAA focused on making the United States the world leader in marine research and the sustainable development of marine resources.
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada:
Canada's NSERC supports science and technology through university research grants as well as partnerships between industry and universities. Much of the ROV ROPOS technology has been sponsored by NSERC.
Hatfield Marine Science Center:
Oregon State University's Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) provides many facilities including the the Oregon branch of the NOAA EOI Program, a public aquarium and outreach center, docking pier for major research vessels and educational programs dedicated to furthering K-12 science teaching.
Western Washington University:
Scientists Craig Moyer and Karen Pelletreau are aboard Ron Brown participating in studies of microbiology.
Research Groups
RIDGE Program
The scientists working with the Ridge program at the University of New Hampshire seek to understand the geophysical, geochemical, and geobiological causes and consequences of the energy transfer within the global rift system through time. Their site includes a bibliography and descriptions of their research projects. RIDGE coordinates the Seafloor Observatory on the Juan de Fuca mid-ocean ridge where NeMO is located.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
This site features information on the scientific research and educational projects being conducted at Woods Hole. Check out the animation and video gallery to see the submersible Alvin in motion.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Part of the University of California at San Diego, Scripps offers a graduate program leading to doctorates in oceanography. Some of their research focuses on global warming and long-term climate change. The site includes information about careers in oceanography as well as access to the photo archives and the SIO library.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
MBARI is a private oceanographic center developing state-of-the-art equipment, instrumentation, systems and methods of scientific research in the deep waters of the world. MBARI uses ROV's and research vessels almost daily in the Monterey Canyon as well as oceans around the world.
University of Washington College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences
UW offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in oceanography. Faculty and students participate in hydrothermal venting research around the world's oceans. UW operates the research vessel Thomas Thompson which has participated in many deep-sea vent research expeditions including the recent capture of intact hydrothermal vents for display and study at the American Museum of Natural History.
University of Hawaii School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology
SOEST is a multidisciplinary school conducting research and teaching in the oceanographic sciences. SOEST maintains realtime observatory of an active seamount, Loihi, under the Hawaii Undersea Geo-Overvatory project (HUGO).
Web site of IFREMER, the French oceanographic institution. The organization focuses on all aspects of oceanography, from geology to biology, as well as maintenance and design of research vessels like the submersible Nautile. The introductory page offers links to other oceanographic servers.
Shirshov Institute
The Shirshov Institute of Oceanology's mission is to investigate the theoretical problems of oceanology. The site contains an extensive
image database, including photographs of hydrothermal fields, as well as detailed information on the submersibles MIR-1 and MIR-2 (featured in the recent movie Titanic).
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Harbor Branch is a marine research laboratory in Florida focusing on the oceans, local coastlines, and estuaries. Check out the search tool to find information on sea life as well as research vessels like the Johnson Sea-Link.
Hydrothermal Vents
Life without Light: Discoveries from the Abyss
An article about the many types of organisms that live around hydrothermal vents and how they thrive in a seemingly inhospitable environment.
The Oceans Chimneys -- Hydrothermal Vents
This informative site describes hydrothermal vents, where they are located, and why they are important. It features great images of the vents and links to other vent sites.
The Hot Water Vent
A teacher's guide to activities that teach children the scientific concepts behind hydrothermal vents.
Fisher Deep Sea Laboratory
Homepage of Professor Chuck Fisher, a scientist at Penn State University who is studying the biology and ecology of hydrothermal vents. Follow the web tour of ongoing research at the cold seeps in the Gulf of America.
Research Cruises in the News
Hess Deep Expedition
Exploration of a Grand Canyon-sized chasm, the Hess Deep, aboard the R/V
Atlantis using the submersible Alvin. Sponsored by NSF and led by scientists
from Duke University, March 1999.
Voyage to Puna Ridge
An international team of scientists on a 36-day ocean voyage to Hawaii's most spectacular volcano, September-October 1998. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Hawaii Department of Education.
NOVA: Into the Abyss
PBS NOVA special, "Into the Abyss" site chronicalling the capture of black smokers on a July 1998 research expedition aboard the Thomas Thompson. Collaborators with the American Museum of Natural History and the REVEL project.
American Museum of Natural History Expedition Online
The American Museum has a beautifully illustrated, highly interactive Web site that puts the mission to capture hydrothermal vents into context for the general reader. Collaborators with NOVA's "Into the Abyss" and the REVEL project.
Down to the Sea in Robots
An article from MIT's Technology Review on machines used to explore the ocean floor.
Vents Geology Program Instrumentation Page
Description of instrumentation and methods used to conduct deepsea geologic research. Includes information on submersibles, camera systems, sidescan sonars and mapping.
Vents Chemistry Program Instrumentation
CTD instrument description used to study water column plumes.
Description of the SUAVE system used to measure hydrothermal vent chemistry as well as hydrothermal plumes.
Research Vessels
NOAA Fleet
UNOLS Fleet - University-National Oceanographic Laboratory Systems
Includes WHOI, SIO, UW and other university operated research vessels
Deepsea Research Submersibles
ALVIN Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Nautile IFREMER, French oceanographic institution
MIR Russia's Shirshov Institute of Oceanography
Shinkai Japan's JAMSTEC oceanographic center
Remotely Operated Vehicles
ROPOS The Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility
Jason/Medea Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Ventana/Tiburon Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Voyage to Puna Ridge
An international team of scientists on a 36-day ocean voyage to Hawaii's most spectacular volcano, September-October 1998. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Hawaii Department of Education. Includes learning activities directed by the Hawaii E-School teacher-on-board.
University of Washington "REVEL Project"
University of Washington's REVEL Web site focuses on the at-sea experiences during the 1997 and 1998 research cruises by the science teachers REVEL sponsored aboard the research expeditions. 1998's trip recovered hydrothermal vents for display at the American Museum of Natural History. REVEL provides teachers (primarily from the Northwest) the opportunity to participate at sea on a research cruise.
The Bridge - Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center
Virginia Institute of Marine Science's collection of educational resources online. Sponsored by the National Marine Educators Association and Sea Grant.
SeaWiFS Project LIVING_OCEAN.html
NASA's Living Ocean SeaWiFS Project studying the ocean color from space. Includes teacher's guide with activities primarily for grades 9-10.
Earth and Sea Investigators Network
Oregon Department of Education's program providing science material for the K-12 classroom. Includes the Landscape Undersea material and piloting an undersea submersible online.
NOAA Teacher at Sea Program
NOAA sponsored program to give teachers (K-16) the opportunity to participate in scientific research aboard NOAA ships.
Oceanographic Careers
Careers in Oceanography, Marine Science and Marine Biology
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Libary's compilation on resources for marine-related careers.
Deep Atlantic: Life, Death, and Exploration in the Abyss
by Richard Ellis
Alfred A. Knopf, 1996
Striking, "I-can't-believe-it's-real" drawings of deep-sea creatures illustrate this thoroughly researched look at life in the Atlantic abyss.
The Universe Below
by William J. Broad
Simon & Schuster, 1997
A highly readable narrative of the latest in deep-sea research, including a chapter on John Delaney, by the award-winning New York Times reporter.
Deep Sea Biology: A Natural History of Organisms at the Deep Sea Floor
by John D. Gage and Paul A. Tyler
Cambridge University Press, 1991
The final scientific word on tubeworms and other vent fauna.
The Octopus's Garden: Hydrothermal Vents and Other Mysteries of the Deep Sea
by Cindy Lee Van Dover
Addison-Wesley, 1996
A lyrical and deeply personal account by an associate professor of oceanography at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks who was the first woman to pilot the submersible Alvin.
Creeps from the Deep: Life in the Deep Sea
Norbert Wu (Photographer), Leighton R. Taylor
Chronicle Books, 1997
Stunning photographs by one of the world's premiere marine photographers.
Exploring the Deep Frontier: The Adventure of Man in the Sea
by Sylvia A. Earle and Al Giddings
National Geographic Society, 1980
A somewhat dated but lavishly illustrated coffee-table book by the doyenne of oceanographic research.
The Mid-Oceanic Ridges: Mountains Below Sea Level
by Adolphe Nicolas
Springer-Verlag, 1995
A well-illustrated, textbook-style examination of the mid-ocean ridges, designed for students, scientists, and interested laypeople.
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