WHAT'S NEW: Deepsea Image Galleries on Multimedia page (posted 9/15/98) Eruption Confirmed! New lava (rumbleometer stuck in flow) SE rift zone (posted 9/1/98) BACKGROUND: Technology (ROV, ships, etc.) Other 1998 Axial cruise reports
NeMO EDUCATION OUTREACHTo Teachers and Students:
We know more about the dark side of the moon than we know about the ocean depths. NOAA Scientists from the Hatfield Marine Science Center will be exploring the ocean floor this summer to investigate this exciting frontier. NeMO cruise 98 departs Newport, Oregon on August 24 to explore Axial volcano located on the Juan De Fuca plate 300 miles off the Oregon Coast. Teacher Eugene Williamson joins the scientists on board and will provide photos and daily reports of shipboard activities and new research discoveries. Through Gene's reports we'll go aboard the NOAA research vessel Ronald Brown and join scientists on this exciting cruise. Axial rumbled in January 1998 and this cruise is to investigate if an actual eruption occurred. Biology, Chemistry and Geology will be blended to investigate this site. High tech tools will be used to explore the area including the Remotely Operated vechicles, Rumbleometers and Extensometers. Sea Floor faulting, deposits of new lava and deep hot springs with unique communities of marine life characterize the area. . Information from the cruise will be presented daily at the Hatfield Marine Science Center Public Wing and posted on this web site. Oregon Sea Grant and NOAA VENTS welcomes you to this exciting Oceanography cruise. Posted on the site you'll find :
Join us and share with your students the excitement of NeMO Cruise 1998! |