WHAT'S NEW: Deepsea Image Galleries on Multimedia page (posted 9/15/98) Eruption Confirmed! New lava (rumbleometer stuck in flow) SE rift zone (posted 9/1/98) BACKGROUND: Technology (ROV, ships, etc.) Other 1998 Axial cruise reports
The sounds and animations are derived from events detected using the
SOSUS system and
autonomous hydrophones at the VENTS Program in Newport, Oregon.
The video clips are taken from cameras aboard the
ROV ROPOS and submarine
ALVIN as well as the live camera aboard the ship,
Ron Brown.
Earthquake Swarm AnimationsAxial 1998 Swarm 2DAxial 1998 Swarm 3D (3-hour intervals)
Creatures from the Deep |
Video Clips1998 ROPOS video clip showing the release of white microbial mat from seafloor. (After ROV bumped the bottom.)(You must have RealPlayer installed to view this video clip.) Inferno Vent (Axial Volcano Ashes Vent Field) in flames