2000 Ferret Users' mail archive
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Last updated: Tue May 21 11:39:43 2002
558 messages
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- Simple question but troubles me long time!,
danish, 12/23/00
- vector plotting,
Muyin Wang, 12/22/00
- bathymetry overlay,
Keith Lindsay, 12/21/00
- netcdf output from POM,
Dr P. Chittibabu, 12/20/00
- How to integrate between interfaces?,
Yang Kun, 12/20/00
- scat2gridgauss assumptions,
Keith Lindsay, 12/18/00
- Label Positioning,
Larry Polinsky, 12/15/00
- Using data as axis values,
Francisco Pastor, 12/14/00
- How to redefine this grid?,
Yang Kun, 12/13/00
- p-coord,
Muyin Wang, 12/12/00
- Plotting two variables in a graph,
Francisco Pastor, 12/12/00
- [no subject],
sreejith, 12/11/00
- Single time series from several netcdf files,
Mr Retish Senan, 12/11/00
- discard the vector scale.,
Muyin Wang, 12/08/00
- list output,
Arne Biastoch, 12/06/00
- regridding from indicial axes to lat/lon axes,
Will Lewis, 12/06/00
- Replacing/changing coordinates,
Arastoo Pour-Biazar, 12/05/00
- reduce time axis,
Muyin Wang, 11/30/00
- list command with increment,
Arne Biastoch, 11/28/00
- Vectors,
Patrick Brockmann, 11/28/00
- Problem when printing output,
Francisco Pastor, 11/28/00
- [no subject],
C Kalyani Devasena, 11/27/00
- Landscape and portrait,
Francisco Pastor, 11/27/00
- Overlay EZ limit.,
pitecantropus Cromag�on, 11/24/00
- Drawing streamflows from vector data,
David.Ahrens, 11/22/00
- Win32 version of Ferret 5.22,
David.Ahrens, 11/21/00
- Ferret script in batch on linux machines,
Patrick Brockmann, 11/21/00
- Convert NetCDF,
Kobi Mosquera, 11/20/00
- Ferret 5.2 on Linux,
Arne Biastoch, 11/17/00
- How does one truncate map-projections plots?,
Lev Tarasoff, 11/15/00
- A routine to thicken metafile.plt lines for printing,
Lev Tarasoff, 11/13/00
- Keys for line plots,
Hirst, Tony, 11/13/00
- Metafile conversion problem,
Lev Tarasoff, 11/08/00
- nolabels ???,
Gabriel Clauzet, 11/08/00
- trouble with saving 3D data,
Muyin Wang, 11/06/00
- controlling large tics,
Pam McDowell, 11/01/00
- interpolation on rotated grid,
Nicolas Schneider, 11/01/00
- polar map,
Xiangdong Zhang, 10/30/00
- Re: Ferret question,
J�rg Kaduk, 10/27/00
- EOFs and FFT,
Yang Haijun, 10/27/00
- Re: Very long MC!,
Jose E Pereira, 10/27/00
- disk space,
Muyin Wang, 10/26/00
- Movies/Animations (gif to mpeg),
Jeremy S Pal, 10/26/00
- Re Godin Filter,
Felicity McAllister, 10/25/00
- very long MC !,
Jose E Pereira, 10/25/00
- 50000 is limit,
����, 10/25/00
- Crossed Axes - Answer,
Graham Gladman, 10/25/00
- external functions on linux,
Richard D. Slater, 10/24/00
- Godin Filter,
Felicity McAllister, 10/23/00
- Monthly average of hourly data,
Frederic J Chagnon, 10/22/00
- Re: Welcome to ferret_users,
Philippe Chamaret, 10/20/00
- How do I get thicker pen size than @C15?,
Lev Tarasoff, 10/20/00
- Pigment data in Ferret,
Calvin W. Mordy, 10/20/00
- Appending data to NetCDF file,
Frederic J Chagnon, 10/19/00
- poleward heat transport,
Jang, Chan Joo, 10/19/00
- Crossed Axes,
Graham Gladman, 10/18/00
- Re: rho_un output - RESOLVED,
Karen Bice, 10/18/00
- rho_un output,
Karen Bice, 10/18/00
- Re: rho_un output,
Steve Hankin, 10/18/00
- Re: rho_un output,
Mr Retish Senan, 10/18/00
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: rho_un output,
SPILLANE, 10/18/00
- Re: rho_un output,
Karen Bice, 10/18/00
- Re: rho_un output,
Billy Kessler, 10/18/00
- remove tendency,
Fabrice Vauclair, 10/18/00
- [Fwd:] failure notice,
Andrea Sardinha Taschetto, 10/17/00
- Opening very large datasets,
Frederic J Chagnon, 10/12/00
- Vectors and hi/lo labels...,
Gary Strand, 10/11/00
- Get edges on axis,
Patrick Brockmann, 10/11/00
- Curvilinear Coords,
Felicity McAllister, 10/10/00
- ECMWF data in GRIB format,
Zuojun Yu, 10/09/00
- [no subject],
Celine Robert, 10/09/00
- Re:,
Kevin O'Brien, 10/09/00
- new_page, gridlines...,
Patrick Brockmann, 10/06/00
- Re: Bug: Problems with pen-size preservation with Fprint on RH linux6.0,
Russell Fiedler, 10/05/00
- GIS viewer,
Guille, 10/05/00
- [no subject],
Gabriel Clauzet, 10/05/00
- Re:,
Steve Hankin, 10/05/00
- How to deal with the topography when doing the vertical transportcalc.,
Yang Kun, 10/04/00
- Solaris install problem,
Fred Clare, 10/04/00
- bottom velocity vectors in a z-coordinate model,
Johann Jungclaus, 10/02/00
- Fill contour smoothing,
Graham Gladman, 10/02/00
- country and state boundaries,
Jozef SYKTUS, 10/01/00
- limit on number of grid lines has been reached,
Jeremy S Pal, 09/29/00
- Postscript,
Guille, 09/28/00
- ferret 5.22 on linux,
Patrick Joeckel, 09/28/00
- [no subject],
Gabriel Clauzet, 09/27/00
- Re:,
Ansley Manke, 09/27/00
- change in Ferret regridding behavior,
Ansley Manke, 09/26/00
- MC netcdf,
Christof Appenzeller, 09/25/00
- Removing Time Axis Labels,
Graham Gladman, 09/22/00
- gridding,
Guille, 09/20/00
- Reading an ASCII file,
Graham Gladman, 09/18/00
- polar map,
Muyin Wang, 09/14/00
- about bad data,
Muyin Wang, 09/11/00
- Using curvilinear coords and map projections...,
Gary Strand, 09/11/00
- [no subject],
Namba Takaya, 09/08/00
- GO box,
Guille, 09/07/00
- accumulate a number,
Dongxiao Zhang, 09/06/00
- Re: suppressing top and right tic marks,
SPILLANE, 09/06/00
- suppressing top and right tic marks.,
Pam McDowell, 09/05/00
- Tcl script for Ferret,
Alexey Murashkovsky, 09/02/00
- pipe and FIFO,
Guille, 08/31/00
- EOF_SPACE usage,
Graham Gladman, 08/31/00
- FERRET 5.22,
Arne Biastoch, 08/29/00
- 2D varying z-axis,
Arne Biastoch, 08/29/00
- Announcing Ferret V5.22 on Solaris, Linux, and DEC (Compaq),
Steve Hankin, 08/29/00
- answer to my previous question,
Muyin Wang, 08/29/00
- Contouring only zero line,
Gary Strand, 08/29/00
- integrate to D20,
Fabrice Vauclair, 08/29/00
- to get different time period means,
Muyin Wang, 08/23/00
- try again,
Muyin Wang, 08/17/00
- linux install,
bridget, 08/17/00
- model grid,
Min, Dughong, 08/15/00
- scatter and C,
Guille, 08/15/00
- Creating 3D grid from scattered data,
McCann, Mike, 08/15/00
- Ferret v5.2 & go land,
Larry Polinsky, 08/14/00
- Ferret for Solaris...,
Nuzhet Dalfes, 08/12/00
- Re: white space between land boundary and contour,
Jonathan Callahan, 08/10/00
- t axis label,
J�rg Kaduk, 08/09/00
- climatology over a subset,
D Shankar, 08/09/00
- scattered,
Guille, 08/07/00
- Compression of netcdf files,
Glenn Carver, 08/06/00
- Re: ASCCII, [Fwd: Lessons about scatter2grid*, ie gridding point data],
J�rg Kaduk, 08/05/00
Guille, 08/05/00
- shaded area between two lines,
J�rg Kaduk, 08/05/00
- orthographic projection,
Patrick Joeckel, 08/04/00
- DODS sequence data,
McCann, Mike, 08/03/00
- "internal program problem: is_uvar_grid" error...,
Gary Strand, 07/28/00
- Limit on number of points for time axis,
McCann, Mike, 07/27/00
- get ferret running,
Muyin Wang, 07/25/00
- How to use SAMPLEXY?,
ina, 07/25/00
- customizing XY graphs using ppl commands,
Roelof Burger, 07/14/00
- Ferret descriptor files on Linux,
Matthew Harrison, 07/07/00
- TS diagram,
Fabrice Vauclair, 06/29/00
- Gif,
Alberto Arribas, 06/29/00
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Gif,
Glenn Carver, 06/29/00
- Re: Gif,
Christian Sch�fer-Neth, 06/29/00
- Problem with redefining the axis,
Min, Dughong, 06/28/00
- Re: Ferret 5 gui on Redhat/SuSE,
Christian Sch�fer-Neth, 06/28/00
- Ferret 5 on Redhat 6.2...,
liup, 06/28/00
- Resolution to a question regarding areas on a globe,
Karen Bice, 06/23/00
- calculating pCFC ages,
Niki Gruber, 06/22/00
- Regridding/interpolation,
Glenn Carver, 06/20/00
- vector plots in stereographic projection,
Bernadette Fritzsch, 06/15/00
- calculate areas on a globe,
Karen Bice, 06/15/00
- mean diurnal cycles,
J�rg Kaduk, 06/14/00
- headless vectors?,
Billy Kessler, 06/14/00
- Sampling,
Marcelo Barreiro, 06/14/00
- Vis5d in Redhat Linux 5.2 and 6.0,
Takaya Namba, 06/13/00
- more symbols?,
Pam McDowell, 06/12/00
- reading one byte integer,
J�rg Kaduk, 06/09/00
- Contour labels,
SPILLANE, 06/08/00
- ferret in batch mode on Redhat 6.2,
Roelof Burger, 06/08/00
- Ferret on Linux,
Karsten Bolding, 06/08/00
- EOF and CEOF,
Takaya Namba, 06/08/00
- Re: EOF and CEOF,
Ilana Wainer, 06/08/00
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: EOF and CEOF,
Takaya Namba, 06/08/00
- Re: EOF and CEOF,
Takaya Namba, 06/13/00
- Re: EOF and CEOF,
Takaya Namba, 06/15/00
- Re: EOF and CEOF,
Takaya Namba, 06/26/00
- Lessons about scatter2grid*, ie gridding point data,
Lev Tarasoff, 06/07/00
- Does anyone use Fhelp command for Ferret,
Ansley Manke, 06/07/00
- Depth of the thermocline,
Fabrice Vauclair, 06/07/00
Alberto Arribas, 06/07/00
- Calculation of vertical gradient,
Satheesh C. Shenoi, 06/06/00
- [no subject],
Takaya Namba, 06/06/00
- A routine to compute and plot running power spectra,
Lev Tarasoff, 06/05/00
- Problem with scatter2gridlaplace_xy on Linux,
Lev Tarasoff, 06/05/00
- color the area between two ploted lines,
Takaya Namba, 06/04/00
- multi_yaxis_overlay - bug?,
Roelof Burger, 06/02/00
- Patterns,
Jeremy S Pal, 05/31/00
- plotting tracks and markers on a map,
Roelof Burger, 05/30/00
- vector/pen doesn't work in v5.1,
Elizabeth Dobbins, 05/26/00
- eof external function usage,
Keith Lindsay, 05/25/00
- time series in unix time,
Roelof Burger, 05/25/00
- extract coastline data from etopo20,
JIANG Mingshun, 05/23/00
- plot buffer exceeded,
Mark Rehbein, 05/22/00
- writing averages,
J�rg Kaduk, 05/22/00
- How (can one?) does one pass coordinate info to a label commandwithin a go file?,
Lev Tarasoff, 05/22/00
- How does one get the ferret label command to work on a contour ploton Linux?,
Lev Tarasoff, 05/22/00
- muliple viewports one colorbar key,
Pam McDowell, 05/19/00
- A routine to reverse ascii data order,,
Lev Tarasoff, 05/19/00
- Running in Batch,
Pam McDowell, 05/19/00
- irregular vertical sections,
Karen Bice, 05/19/00
- How to pass title strings to ferret go files in Linux,
Lev Tarasoff, 05/17/00
- WHERE,Mousepoint,SAMPLEXY,GIF,Polymark.jnl,
ina, 05/17/00
- Re: Syntax Highlighting,
Russell Fiedler, 05/16/00
- How do you pass title strings to ferret go files?,
Lev Tarasoff, 05/16/00
- Objective analysis gridding functions,
Ansley Manke, 05/16/00
- Syntax Highlightling,
Graham Gladman, 05/16/00
- Problems with using the xlimit qualifier!?,
Bruce W. Ford, 05/15/00
- Problem with xlimit qualifier?!,
Bruce or Jennifer Ford, 05/15/00
- limit on length of filenames?,
Daniel Mueller, 05/11/00
- merging files,
Alexey Murashkovsky, 05/11/00
- controlling plot mark characteristics,
SPILLANE, 05/11/00
- symbol size,
Patrick Joeckel, 05/10/00
- state boarders in Europe,
Christof Appenzeller, 05/10/00
- Problem using Objective Analysis,
Donald S Dunbar, 05/09/00
- working with NetCDF file,
Natalia Andronova, 05/09/00
- Re: Concatting data files,
'Jeff Polton', 05/09/00
- [no subject],
Takaya Namba, 05/08/00
- polar projection,
Natalia Andronova, 05/04/00
- Dynamic height field,
Halldor Bjornsson, 05/04/00
- How to define specific value for BAD?,
Daniel M�ller, 05/04/00
- does 'set memory' work on Linux?,
Lev Tarasoff, 05/02/00
- how to grid yt-scattered data,
Patrick Joeckel, 05/02/00
- Passing variables,
Halldor Bjornsson, 05/02/00
- **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached,
J�rg Kaduk, 04/27/00
- time axis in multi-netCDF,
J�rg Kaduk, 04/27/00
- colors and patterns on the one graph,
Elliott, Tracey, 04/27/00
- changing x-axis into time-axis,
Patrick Joeckel, 04/26/00
- Concatting data from "degenerate" files...,
Gary Strand, 04/25/00
- can ferret save the variable to ascii/binary file?,
Yang Kun, 04/23/00
- max number of variables,
Rolf von Kuhlmann, 04/22/00
- symbols in subscript unrecognized?,
Daniel M�ller, 04/20/00
- **ERROR: stack overflow: grid stack,
Daniel Mueller, 04/15/00
- Ferret on 98,
Pam McDowell, 04/13/00
- Ferret on Window 98,
Pam McDowell, 04/13/00
- Use of SAVE with MC data sets.,
Graham Gladman, 04/13/00
- symmetric anomalies?,
Halldor Bjornsson, 04/11/00
- plot annotation,
Denise Worthen, 04/11/00
- Possible bug in zaxreplace,
Bill Gustafson, 04/10/00
- controlling the number scale on the color key,
Pam McDowell, 04/10/00
- go exact_color,
Pam McDowell, 04/10/00
- about polar graph?,
Yang Kun, 04/06/00
- ferret -gui on NT,
Pam McDowell, 04/06/00
- White label over black fill,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 04/06/00
- Integration in ferret,
Bernadette Fritzsch, 04/05/00
- Standard input and ferret,
Michel Beland (professionnel de recherche), 04/05/00
- NT version,
Pam McDowell, 04/05/00
- Fonts,
Pam McDowell, 04/04/00
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Fonts,
SPILLANE, 04/04/00
- Fonts,
Pam McDowell, 05/18/00
- examples using 'tic' controls,
Pam McDowell, 04/04/00
- curves,
boyin huang, 04/04/00
- descriptor file for MC datasets,
Satheesh C. Shenoi, 04/04/00
- Incresing 'MAX' number of data sets,
Pam McDowell, 04/03/00
- limit on number of data sets,
Pam McDowell, 03/31/00
- Running power spectrum plot,
Lev Tarasoff, 03/30/00
- memory size,
Olivier Cervantes (scientifique contingent), 03/30/00
- how to define axis-files? (modified),
Yang Kun, 03/24/00
- Backward Time Step,
Min, Dughong, 03/24/00
- [no subject],
dughong min, 03/24/00
- Mixed Layer Depth,
Takaya Namba, 03/24/00
- about TMAP?,
Yang Kun, 03/23/00
- How to fit data with a straight line,
Yang Haijun, 03/22/00
- 360 day years,
Thijs van Reenen, 03/21/00
- How do I mask out to the missing value flag?,
Lev Tarasoff, 03/17/00
- label command with pen 10 or higher,
Jeremy S Pal, 03/15/00
- Daily averages from hourly values,
Jeremy S Pal, 03/10/00
- Grid/region problem,
Donald S. Dunbar, 03/09/00
- Vector into array...,
Gary Strand, 03/02/00
- How to plot the topography in Y-Z plate?,
Yang Kun, 03/01/00
- How to overlay a symbol on a time series plot,
Yang Haijun, 03/01/00
- [Fwd: Question About Variable Limits of Integration],
Steve Hankin, 02/29/00
- Re: Question About Variable Limits of Integration,
Steve Hankin, 02/29/00
- HOw to convert potential temperature to in-situ temperature?,
Yang Kun, 02/25/00
- Can anyone get Fprint to preserve viewports on Linux (RH 6.0)?,
Lev Tarasoff, 02/23/00
- loading binary fortran data,
Dail Rowe, 02/23/00
- axis labels,
Pam McDowell, 02/23/00
- Vector Command with Defined Variables,
Frank and Michele Schenk, 02/23/00
- Can only read pasted version of file,
Lev Tarasoff, 02/22/00
- Follow up: Averaging Data for 4 Months,
Amy Sundquist, 02/21/00
- framing plot,
Pam McDowell, 02/17/00
- DODS & Accessing HDF format,
Frederic Chagnon, 02/17/00
- Fwd: enquiry from IIT Delhi,India,
pragya guliani, 02/16/00
- Averaging data for 4 months,
Amy Sundquist, 02/16/00
- point data,
Patrick Joeckel, 02/15/00
- gui on suse linux,
Christian Sch�fer-Neth, 02/15/00
- Fprint doesn't preserve colour contours,
Lev Tarasoff, 02/15/00
- Ferret Freeze-Up,
Frank and Michele Schenk, 02/11/00
- Black and white fill,
Alberto Arribas, 02/11/00
- Regridding,
Marcelo Barreiro, 02/09/00
- nan,
Frank and Michele Schenk, 02/09/00
- Ferret.el release 0.02.3,
Mark A. Verschell, 01/31/00
- Single month average,
Amy Sundquist, 01/31/00
- ask for UNIX expert,
Yang Haijun, 01/28/00
- shading grid cells of the missing value,
Jang, Chan Joo, 01/27/00
- Printing from GUI,
Pam McDowell, 01/25/00
- How to turn off the label of time axis,
Yang Haijun, 01/25/00
- secs_to_date?,
Karen Bice, 01/24/00
- Ferret & CDF missing values,
simon, 01/20/00
- ferret with dods,
Isabelle D'Ast, 01/20/00
- theta_fo documentation mismatch,
Keith Lindsay, 01/19/00
- X-Y Gridding of Radial Data.,
Pam McDowell, 01/19/00
- Combining palette and pattern in fills,
Bryan C. Weare, 01/14/00
- Cancel Grid or Cancel Axis?,
James Orr, 01/13/00
- recursive plots,
Jose Edson Rodrigues Pereira, 01/13/00
- floating exception when opening dataset,
Frederic Chagnon, 01/11/00
- How to control the number of digital in numeric axis labels,
Yang Haijun, 01/09/00
- GRIB files,
H. Nuzhet Dalfes, 01/07/00
- Strange problem with time axis across centuries,
Michel Beland (professionnel de recherche), 01/06/00
- How to do time lag correlation in ferret?,
Yang Haijun, 01/04/00
- GUI interface on Linux,
Nuzhet Dalfes, 01/04/00
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