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Re: How to define specific value for BAD?

  Hi Daniel -

It seems to me that the 'bad=0' qualifier should work.  Given
that it doesn not, an if statement might work in the following

  let v2 = if v1 lt 0.0001 or v1 gt -0.0001 then 1/0 else v1

I hope this helps.

  - Jeremy

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Daniel [iso-8859-1] Müller wrote:

> Dear Ferret-Users
> I was just wondering how to define a value as bad flag (0 is desired)
> when saving a variable defined by "let my_variable=..." to a NetCDF-File
> using "save/file=test.cdf my_variable".
> Right now when I look at the created file using ncdump i see
> "missing_value = -9.96921e+36f"  and  "missing_value = -9.96921e+36f".
> How to change this to 0 (Zero) within ferret?
> I already tried "set data/bad=0 ..." and "set variable/bad=0
> my_variable" which didn't have the desired effect.  
> Can anybody give me a hint?
> Regards
> Daniel

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