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mean diurnal cycles


I'd like to make sure that I do the right thing....

I have a multi-netcdf data set of 6 months with half hourly values.
So the first 1488 data values are the ones of the July,....

I would like to determine mean diurnal cycles for each month.
That's what I do:

I define a climatological axis

define axis/T=0.25:23.75:0.5/t0="01-JAN-0000 00:00:00"/mod dr

and new variables - just for July:

let ts7=ts[l=1:1488]

and then I do a 

plot ts7[gt=dr@mod]

which should give me the unweighted mean diurnal cycle, right?

Thanks a lot for your time!


Jörg Kaduk                            Tel.: 1 650 325 1521 x 416
Carnegie Institution of Washington    FAX: 1 650 325 6857
Dept. of Plant Biology
260 Panama Street                     joerg@jasper.stanford.edu
Stanford, CA 94305-1297               http://Jasper.Stanford.EDU/joerg/

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