Pacific Ecosystems
The Synthesis Of Arctic Research (SOAR) brings together a multidisciplinary group of Arctic scientists and residents to explore and integrate information from completed and ongoing marine research in the Pacific Arctic The goal is to increase scientific understanding of the relationships among oceanographic conditions, benthic organisms, lower trophic prey species (forage fish and zooplankton), seabirds, and marine mammal distribution and behavior in the Pacific Arctic. The SOAR project is supported by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and will assist in their evaluation of oil and gas development in the Arctic.
The SOAR project aims to create a platform for collaboration among scientists and Alaska Arctic residents. The SOAR has the overarching goal of using available data, analytical and modelling approaches to identify and test hypotheses that cross scientific disciplines. The geographic area is the Pacific Arctic, including the northern Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas, with time frames extending from days to decades.
The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) links physics and biology. The regional DBO observation sites are "hotspots" considered to exhibit high productivity, biodiversity, and overall rates of change. Located along latitudinal gradients, the "hotspot" transect lines and stations will serve as a change detection array for the identification and consistent monitoring of biophysical responses. The observation sites are occupied by national and international entities with a shared data plan.