National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce

In the News

Alaska's Toasty Temperatures in 2014 Worry Observers

January 03, 2015

The biggest state in America, home to more ocean coastline than all others combined, has just set another record. This one, however, is nothing to cheer.

Link: Alaska's Toasty Temperatures in 2014 Worry Observers

Gauging Perceptions of Ocean Acidification in Alaska

December 22, 2014

New research published in Marine Policy from the first Alaska-focused study on public understanding and awareness of ocean acidification risk shows that Alaskans are three times more aware of ocean acidification than Americans in general.

Link: Gauging Perceptions of Ocean Acidification in Alaska

Arctic Is Heating Up Twice as Quickly as Rest of World

December 19, 2014

Bad news for polar bears: The Arctic is still warming at twice the pace of the rest of the planet, according to a new federal report.

Link: Arctic Is Heating Up Twice as Quickly as Rest of World

Temperatures in the Arctic rising twice as fast as rest of the world

December 17, 2014

A new report has found that temperatures in the Arctic are not only continuing to rise, but they're rising faster than in the rest of the world as the region is caught in a vicious cycle of warming.

Link: Temperatures in the Arctic rising twice as fast as rest of the world

Arctic Report Card sounds alarm for region’s oceans

December 17, 2014

A continually warming Arctic is having profound impacts across the top of the planet and beyond, according to a government report released here today at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union.

Link: Arctic Report Card sounds alarm for region’s oceans
