The second phase of SOAR developed a series of new synthesis papers in a special issue of Deep-Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, now published as volume 152 (June 2018).
To access the special issue, go to the Deep-Sea Research Part II ScienceDirect website. Individual paper links are provided below.
This second SOAR special issue is framed by the same three broad themes as for the first SOAR phase:
Theme 1 | The 'New State' of the Pacific Arctic sector: Observations and models of sea ice loss, effects on primary production and acoustic ecology |
Theme 2 | Responses of mid-level trophic species to the ‘New State’ of the Pacific Arctic: Benthic and pelagic invertebrates and forage fishes |
Theme 3 | Responses of upper-trophic species to the ‘New State’ of the Pacific Arctic: Marine mammal and seabird distribution, relative abundance, phenology, diet, and habitat use. |
S. Moore, P. Stabeno, T. Van Pelt, 2018. The Synthesis of Arctic Research (SOAR) project [introduction to the special issue]
S. Moore, P. Stabeno, J. Grebmeier, S. Okkonen, 2018. The Arctic Marine Pulses Model: linking annual oceanographic processes to contiguous domains in the Pacific Arctic.
V. Hill, M. Ardyna, S. Lee, D. Varela, 2018. Decadal trends in phytoplankton production in the Pacific Arctic Region from 1950 to 2012.
M. Wang, Q. Yang, J.E. Overland, P. Stabeno, 2018. Sea-ice cover timing in the Pacific Arctic: The present and projections to mid-century by selected CMIP5 models.
N. Bond, P. Stabeno, J. Napp, 2018. Flow patterns in the Chukchi Sea based on an ocean reanalysis, June through October 1979-2014.
J. Cross, J. Mathis, R. Pickart, N. Bates, 2018. Formation and transport of corrosive water in the Pacific Arctic region.
E. Logerwell, K. Rand, S. Danielson, L. de Sousa, 2018. Environmental drivers of benthic fish distribution in and around Barrow Canyon in the northeastern Chukchi Sea and western Beaufort Sea.
K. Rand, E. Logerwell, B. Bluhm, H. Chenelot, S. Danielson, K. Iken, L. de Sousa, 2018. Using biological traits and environmental variables to characterize two Arctic epibenthic invertebrate communities in and adjacent to Barrow Canyon.
L. Cooper & J. Grebmeier, 2018. Deposition patterns on the Chukchi shelf using radionuclide inventories in relation to surface sediment characteristics.
S. Okkonen, J. Clarke, R. Potter, 2018. Relationships among high river discharges, upwelling events, and bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) occurrence in the central Alaskan Beaufort Sea.
K. Stafford, M. Ferguson, D. Hauser, S. Okkonen, C. Berchok, J. Citta, J. Clarke, E. Garland, J. Jones, R. Suydam, 2018. Beluga whales in the western Beaufort Sea: current state of knowledge on timing, distribution, habitat use and environmental drivers.
J. Citta, S. Okkonen, L. Quakenbush, W. Maslowski, R. Osinski, J. George, R. Small, H. Brower, Jr., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, L. Harwood, 2018. Oceanographic characteristics associated with autumn movements of bowhead whales in the Chukchi Sea.
M. Druckenmiller, J. Citta, M. Ferguson, J. Clarke, J.C. George, L. Quakenbush, 2018. Trends in sea-ice cover within bowhead whale habitats in the Pacific Arctic.
K. Stafford, M. Castellote, M. Guerra, C. Berchok, 2018. Seasonal acoustic environments in beluga and bowhead whale core-use regions in the Pacific Arctic.
M. Robards, H. Huntington, M. Druckenmiller, J. Lefevre, S. Moses, Z. Stevenson, A. Watson, M. Williams, 2018. Understanding and adapting to observed changes in the Alaskan Arctic: Actionable knowledge co-production with Alaska native communities.