I normally do this by writing out just one point/row and then set up a loop to do the appending. You can either do single rows or batches depending on how much memory you are willing to use. If using chunked data, double loops can be used to minimize I/O
let jpts=`mask,return=jend` let block=5 save/clobber/file="($03)"/jlimits=1:`jpts`/j=1 mask repeat/range=2:`jpts`:`block`/name=s save/file="($03)"/app mask[j=`s`:`s+block-1`]
Russ From: owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx <owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx> on behalf of Ansley C. Manke <ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2019 2:50:01 AM To: ferret_users@xxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ferret_users] memory problem with large file when regredding Hi Patrick The /JLIMITS qualifier refers to the indices of the grid you are writing out. It is used to will create the full-size output file to begin with, so it refers to the grid you're writing. The output grid in your example is J=1:180. So, something like this should work -- with the /JLIMITS and the [j= ] referring to the output grid not the source grid. You'll need to find the range of mask[j=j1:j2] to use for your input data.
The first command computes mask for a subset of the result grid, but writes it to a file with the full range; then the rest of the commands fill in more data.
On 5/20/2019 7:13 AM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:
Ansley Manke NOAA/PMEL Science Data Integration Group 7600 Sand Point Way NE 206-526-6246 |