Hi all,
I have a 5Go variable at 0.01x0.01 resolution and I would like to save it at a coarser resolution.
My regridding script can be run because it requires too much memory.
Is there a strategy to run i ?
I have tried to save it with different /append calls but cannot figure out
because anunlimited dimension seems to be possible only for time dimension (L).
Here are the simplified lines from my script for a regredding from 0.01 to 0.1°
use file_0.01.nc ! mask1 is the variable to regrid
def axis/x=-180:180:0.1/edges/units=degrees_east myxaxis
def axis/y=-90:90:0.1/edges/units=degrees_north myyaxis
def grid/x=myxaxis/y=myyaxis mygrid
let mask = mask1[G=MYGRID@AVE]
save/clobber/file=file_0.1.nc mask
Any help would be appreciated.
Data Analysis and Visualization Engineer / Project Manager
LSCE - Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory
IPSL - Institut Pierre Simon Laplace