Hi! Loading a netcdf file (in attachment of this email) with FERRET v7.43, I've got this warning: use test.nc *** NOTE: Axis has repeated values -- micro-adjusting time But in fact the time variable has no repeated values at all. This is the time variable listed by Ferret: list /l=1:5 /pre=12 T[G=u] VARIABLE : T axis TIME FILENAME : test.nc SUBSET : 5 points (TIME) 01-JUL-2018 00:00 / 1: 600432.000000 01-JUL-2018 01:00 / 2: 600433.000002 01-JUL-2018 02:00 / 3: 600434.000004 01-JUL-2018 03:00 / 4: 600435.000006 01-JUL-2018 04:00 / 5: 600436.000008 And this the time variable in the file: ncks -C -H -v time test.nc | head -5 time[0]=600432 time[1]=600433 time[2]=600434 time[3]=600435 time[4]=600436 Any idea of what is going on? Thanks, Bruno --
Description: Cdf file