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[ferret_users] Plotting with a paleo time scale


I want to plot data using a paleo time scale : time is decreasing from a positive value to zero (present day).

The following script gives more details : 

USE "https://vesg.ipsl.upmc.fr/thredds/dodsC/store/p86mart/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/Holocene/TR5AS-Vlr01/ATM/Analyse/TS_YE/TR5AS-Vlr01_20000101_79991231_1Y_t2m.nc"

! Model Years are from 2000 to 7999, which correspond to nothing :-(
! I can define a time axis starting at 1, which it's less confusing
LET nt = `t2m_yearmean,RETURN=lsize`
DEFINE AXIS/T=1:`nt`:1/UNITS="Years" YearFromStart

! But the labelling I want is Year before present (present being 1850)
LET/TITLE="Years BP"   YearBP=6000-T[GT=YearFromStart]+1

! I can not define the following axis because it's reversed

LET t2m = t2m_yearmean[GT=YearFromStart@ASN]-273.15

! How can I use YearBP as an axis to have proper labelling 
! of the time axis on the following plot  ?
SHADE  t2m[Y=-2:2@AVE,L=1:5000@SBX:250] 

Any idea ?



Dr. Olivier Marti  - mailto:olivier.marti@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ  -  UMR 8212
Tel : +33 1 69 08 77 27 - Mob : +33 6 45 36 43 74
Fax : +33 1 69 08 30 73

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