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Re: [ferret_users] Map Projections: Robinson
Hi -
The map projections are done by scripts to set up the transformations.
You can see where these are using The Unix Fgo command:
> Fgo mp_lambert_cyl
and so forth. The existing scripts define functional relationships to
define how the map projection converts longitude/latitude to page
locations. I'd invite you to study how those functions work and see
whether you can write your own Robinson_projection script. It would
then be a welcome addition to the Ferret contributed scripts!
On 3/1/2011 6:32 AM, Gian-Kasper Plattner wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to plot world maps using the Robinson Projection (see, e.g.,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinson_projection). From scanning the
Users Guide and the Archive, it doesn't look like the Robinson
Projection is a built-in standard projection in Ferret, correct?
Would anyone be able to share a script that allows users to produce
global maps based on the Robinson Projection? This would be much
appreciated, thanks.
Cheers, Kasper
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