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[ferret_users] use of ppl color for changing line color/thickness


I want to plot data with a thick gray line.  I did:

set mode linecolors:7
ppl color 7,70,70,70

plot/i=1:100/line=7/set cos(i/50)
ppl pen 7 13
ppl plot

I get a thin gray line no matter what I do after /set

According to the color_thickness formula, if I define a new color 7, the color_thickness for a thickness of 3 should be 19, but that doesn't work either.  Eventually, I want to overlay this thick gray line, which I note needs some different syntax.  What am I doing wrong?


Stephen R. Guimond
Graduate Research Assistant
Florida State University
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)

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