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Re: calendar types
Hi Elizabeth,
The ability to put the calendar type in the descriptor file will be in
the next version of Ferret, version 5.41. The format will be
for example:
D_EXPNUM = '0000',
D_MODNUM = ' 00',
D_TITLE = 'Model Output, Daily Averages',
D_T0TIME = '30-DEC-0000 00:00:00',
D_TIME_UNIT = 3600.,
In the meantime, perhaps you can define the axis in Ferret with the
correct calendar type, and regrid to that axis.
Ansley Manke
Elizabeth Dobbins wrote:
> Hi;
> I've got a netCDF file in which time is a dimension, but not a variable.
> I've been using descriptor files to give the data a proper time axis. Now
> I want to use one of the newly added calendar types (thanks for these, by
> the way), but since the file doesn't have a time variable, I can't use
> time:calendar_type = "noleap" ; within the file. Can I add it somehow to
> the descriptor file? What's the syntax for that? Or do I need to define
> a new axis within ferret after I load the data?
> Thanks
> *********************
> Elizabeth L. Dobbins
> Research Scientist
> phone: (206) 526-4581
> "Various forms of jiggery-pokery were used to suit
> horses to courses." -- Michael Burleigh
Ansley Manke Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Seattle WA (206)526-6246
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