Bering Sea Ice Expedition
Images and Video
May 11-12, 2007 (See also a selection of images from this cruise )
Healy breaking waves as it heads back to Dutch Harbor after a long ice expedition in the Bering Sea. Photo by D.Hyrenbach |
Eagle landing as seen in Dutch Harbor.
Photo by E.Cokelet |
Jay, Nancy, Dave on the plane home, Dutch Harbor-to-Anchorage-to-Seattle after a 33 day cruise on the USCGC Healy.
Photo by D.Hyrenbach |
- This movie shows monthly Ice
Cover at the top of our globe (mov). Each month's data represent
the average for that month over 23 years, from 1978-2002.
- Ever seen a ribbon seal? All our ribbon seal clips come to us from
Brent Stewart, Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute : high
res (avi, 86mb) ; medium res
(mpg-1,4.8mb,small screen); low
res (mpg,lg.screen,16.4mb)
- A Ribbon Seal with Satellite-Linked Dive Recorder (SDR). high
res (avi,54mb) ; medium res
(mpeg1,3mb,small screen) ; low
res (mpg,10mb,lg screen)
- Deploying a bongo: 4-net
view from above (mov,2.3mb) ; 2-net
closer view (mov,4mb)
- Deploying a CTD (mov,11mb) (Conductivity,
Temperature, Depth)
- Sampling from a CTD
(mov,9mb); CTD setup
(mov,6mb) ; filtering
chlorophyll from CTD water sample (mov,3.6mb)
- Launching
a Drifter (mov,10.7mb)
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