DBO2 related time series
There has been a decline in ampeliscid amphipods from the 1990's to 2000, with some time series stations in rebound, although the overall spatial "footprint" is declining (see "Footprint" figure below).

There has been a decline in ampeliscid amphipods from the 1990s to 2000, with some time series stations in rebound, although the overall spatial “footprint” is declining (see slide #21). Note that one of the times series site has changed from ampeliscid amphipods to ampharetid polychaetes with a fining of the sediments (change to smaller sediment grain size).
- decline ampeliscid amphipods to 2000, with some rebound, although “footprint” declining
- note that one site changed from ampelisid amphipods to ampharetid polychaetes

Dominant infauna at DBO site #2 in the Chirikov Basin of the northern Bering Sea. Notably the “footprint” of ampeliscid amphipod prey is contracting spatially, thus although biomass is stabilizing, the overall area for prey for feeding gray whales has been reduced.