Brendan Carter, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Postdoctoral research associate, Princeton University, 2011-2014
Ph.D., Chemical Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 2011
B.S., Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 2004
B.A., Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2004
Research Interests
Humans are emitting CO2 to the atmosphere at unprecedented rates. Despite this, the oceans still hold many times more carbon than the atmosphere due to the capacity of seawater to neutralize the acid formed when CO2 and water react. My research is centered around efforts using a diverse array of physical and chemical ocean measurements to figure out the fraction of the carbon in the ocean that is there because of human emissions. I then use that information with models to make inferences about how much the ocean can buffer future CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, the chemical and biological consequences of this marine CO2 uptake, and what we can do to best monitor our rapidly changing planet. My newest research direction focuses on trying to find and test ways to mitigate ocean acidification and/or accelerate the rate at which the ocean takes up and stores CO2 from the atmosphere.
Contact information
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
Phone: 206-526-6885
Fax: 206-526-6744