Research institutions and organizations focused on the Arctic
Memoranda of Agreement
- NOS-MOA-2011-80/8400
among NOAA/DOC and Shell Exploration & Production Company and Conocophillips Company and Statoil USA EP&P, Inc,
for the Purpose of Supporting Collaborative Arctic Coastal and Ocean Science in U.S. Arctic Waters- Annex #1 to NOS-MOA-2011-80
for the Purpose of Sharing Meteorological - Ocean Observations and Sea Ice Analysis data in the U.S. Arctic - Annex #2 to NOS-MOA-2011-080
for the Purpose of Sharing, Archiving and Distributing Environmental Science Data in the U.S. Arctic
- Annex #1 to NOS-MOA-2011-80
Institutions and organizations
- U.S. Arctic Research Commission
- Tiksi Arctic observatory - a US, Russian and Finnish partnership
- Barrow observatory - manned year-round, located near Barrow, AK
- Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington
- Polar Center at Penn State (Penn State University and the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment)
- National Ice Center
- National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado
- Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) - U.S. Army
- Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research at the University of Alaska
- The Alaska Climate Research Center from U of Alaska - Fairbanks
- International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Arctic Council Home Page - rich resource
- Canadian Arctic Resources Committee (CARC)
- Arctic Institute of North America - U of Calgary
- University of the Arctic - cooperative network committed to higher education and research in the North
- Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) - from Universities of Calgary and Alaska
- Arctic System Science (ARSS) Data Coordination Center - U of Colorado Boulder
- Polar Science Center at University of Washington
- Danish Polar Center
- Japanese National Institute of Polar Research - English
- Scott Polar Research Institute from University of Cambridge
- Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) - University of Colorado
- Arctic Hydroclimatology Research Lab - Rutgers
- Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research (CIFAR)
- Hudson Bay Project for Ecosystem Studies and Conservation of coastal Arctic Tundra
- Norwegian Polar Institute
- The Polar Environmental Center (Norway)
- Hudson Bay Project for Ecosystem Studies and Conservation of coastal Arctic Tundra
- Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute - in English - Russian Federal Service For Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
- Directory of Polar and Cold Regions Organizations from the Scott Polar Research Institute
- University of the Arctic, an international consortium of academic institutions and programs.
- The Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat (Arctic Council)
- SnowChange Cooperative - Northern indigenous views on climate change and ecology
- Inuit Circumpolar Council - representing Inuit living in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka, Russia
- Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - supporting Aboriginal people (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) and Northerners - from Canadian government
- Arctic Studies Center from the Smithsonian Institution
- Arctic Centre - University of Lapland
- Barents region portal - from the Arctic Center, University of Lapland
- Arctic Council - intergovernmental forum for Arctic governments and people
- PAG - Pacific Arctic Group (Arctic Counci)
- Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (Arctic Council)
- Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS)
- Arctic Conference Session: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012: 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria Session CL2.1. Arctic climate change: governing mechanisms and global implications
- NOAA's Arctic Research Program (ARP) is hosting a call-in ARP PI input meeting on May 9-10, 2013, titled Arctic Observing Activities: Present and Future. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a review of current Arctic Observing Activities in order to maintain, redirect and coordinate future directions in Arctic Observing.
NOAA Arctic Research Program PI's who want to participate by phone and provide comments relevant to the presentations should contact for further information.