ELO (Equatorial Line Observations)
Contact points:
Piotr Flatau (SIO, NSF PI), Janet Sprintall (SIO, NSF PI), Adrian Matthews (University of Reading, NERC PI), Karen Heywood (University of Reading, NERC co-PI)
In this project, the interactions within atmospheric equatorial convectively coupled Kelvin waves (CCKWs), the leading modes of eastward moving convection on time scales between several days and three weeks, will be investigated. CCKWs and other equatorial waves form the "building blocks" of the active phase of MJO. The main effort will be to organize and execute the Equatorial Line Observations (ELO) field campaign during the winter of 2018/2019 – as a component of the International Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC) program. Based on collected in-situ data as well as other observational, remote sensing and modeling datasets, the key physical mechanisms responsible for multi-scale interactions associated with the propagating atmospheric convection over the Maritime Continent will be analyzed.

Map of the location of the ELO field campaign ocean stations (yellow squares) and land stations (orange circles) in the Maritime Continent.
For more information visit: elo.ucsd.edu