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TIP 5 Status reports | ![]() |
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Program status reports
Program: An Extenstion of the TAO Array in the Atlantic Unfortunately, the in-situ observational system that exists in the tropical Atlantic is relatively poorly developed. It relies mainly on volunteer observing ships and occasional research vessels that pass through the area. The generally infrequent sampling provided shipboard data limit our ability to better describe and understand climatically relevant ocean-atmosphere interactions in this region. The Pilot Research
Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) is an initiative put forward
by a group of scientists from Brazil, France, and the USA involved in
tropical climatic studies. The PIRATA program, which will be implemented
as a collaborative multinational effort, proposes to install and maintain
in the tropical Atlantic an array of 14 moored ATLAS buoys in the region
15°N 10°S, 0° 35°W during the years 1997 to 2000.
In addition to the ATLAS mooring array, wind measurements and tide-gauge
data will be available in real-time from St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks,
Atol das Rocas, and Sao Tom Island. Brazil will also instrument 0°,44°W
with a coastal meteorological buoy.
The PIRATA document is available via World-Wide-Web (http://www.ifremer.fr/ird/pirata/pirataus.html) or directly via anonymous ftp (ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/orstom/pirata30.rtf.Z). Observations, Analyses, and Forecasts for Climate in the Japan Meteorological AgencyT. Manabe, JMA The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has been making comprehensive oceanographic observations using its six research vessels in the western Pacific, three ocean data buoys in the seas adjacent to Japan, and tidal stations for many years. In particular, marine meteorological and oceanographic observations have been carried out by two vessels from south of Japan to the equator along 137°E for about thirty years and have contributed to understanding the roles of the western North Pacific in the climate system. In 1994, R/V Ryofu Maru, one of the JMA vessels, made a highly precise oceanographic survey as a part of the WOCE Hydrographic Programme (WHP) one-time survey along 137°E (P9). A new R/V Ryofu Maru built in 1995 is equipped with a greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, CFCs, N2O) measuring system among others and commenced making observations along 165°E up to 50°N twice a year (once a year in the equatorial region). JMA will also continue the observations along 137°E four times a year. In addition to the observations by research vessels, JMA is making an effort to promote subsurface observations by Voluntary Observing Ships along the routes of Japan - Persian Gulf and Hong Kong - New Zealand - Japan and in the TRANSPAC region. JMA has been providing oceanographic information services for more than fifty years. Based on in situ data from ships and buoys including TAO array and satellite data, in addition to the observations made by JMA itself, the Agency has been making a variety of oceanographic products. These include analyses and forecasts of 10-day and/or monthly mean sea surface temperature, subsurface temperature and sea surface current. Some of these products are broadcast on an operational basis through meteorological radio facsimile to the ships and JMA also publishes the Monthly Ocean Report which is distributed to interested institutes and agencies. JMA also disseminates information on the latest states of El Niño events to the domestic public. For the purpose of monitoring the climate, especially ocean variability related to ENSO, JMA has developed an Ocean Data Assimilation System (ODAS) and started to use it operationally in February 1995. The system consists of an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) and a subsurface temperature analysis scheme using optimum interpolation. The analysed temperatures are continuously assimilated into the wind-driven OGCM. Only data that arrive via the GTS are used in the ocean temperature analysis, some TAO array data are available this way. Other TAO data, from the current meter moorings along the equator, do not come via the GTS. Because these data are not incorporated in the temperature analysis, they provide a valuable source of verification of the fields produced by the ODAS. We find that the subsurface thermal field produced by the ODAS is more closely correlated with the subsurface temperature data from TAO than with the same field derived from the wind-driven OGCM, thus the TAO data are clearly having a major impact on the JMA ocean temperature product. We find also that the intra-seasonal variation of the currents produced by the ODAS compare well with the observed sea surface current. At present, JMA is developing a new objective analysis method for the current field, using current observations obtained through traces of drifting buoys and geostrophic current data obtained through dynamic height observed by TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter. The verification of this new method also needs current data of TAO array. Aiming at operational forecasting of ENSO, JMA is developing a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model. The oceanic field obtained by the ODAS is supposed to serve as the initial condition for the prediction. Impacts of TAO data on the prediction will be examined. References: Climate and Marine Department : Monthly Ocean Report, Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo 36 pp. Kimoto, M., I. Yoshikawa and M. Ishii, 1996: An Ocean Data Assimilation System for Climate Monitoring , J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, special issue ( in press). U.S. Global Ocean Atmosphere Land System/Pan American Climate Studies (GOALS/PACS) S. Piotrowicz, A.J. Ray, and M.J. Patterson, NOAA/OAR; M.J. McPhaden, NOAA/PMEL The Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System program began in 1995 in order to build on the successes of the Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program by broadening the geographic scope from the tropical Pacific to the global tropics, and eventually the entire globe. The scientific objectives of the GOALS program are to (1) understand global climate variability on seasonal-to-interannual time scales; (2) determine the spatial and temporal extent to which this variability is predictable; (3) develop the observational, theoretical, and computational means to predict this variability; and (4) make enhanced climate predictions on seasonal-to-interannual time scales. The GOALS program has three regional foci: (1) El Niño-Southern Oscillation focusing on the tropical Pacific building upon the TOGA program in that region; (2) Asian-Australian Monsoon covering the western Pacific and Indian Oceans and extending into the midlatitudes; and Pan American Climate Studies (PACS) with a domain of the eastern Pacific, western Atlantic and the continents of North and South America. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Pan American Climate Studies programs are underway while the Asian-Australian Monsoon program is in its planning stages. The scientific objectives of PACS are to understand and more realistically model (1) the seasonally varying mean climate of the Americas and adjacent ocean regions; (2) the role of boundary processes in forcing seasonal-to-interannual climate variability over the Americas; (3) the coupling between the oceanic mixed layer in the tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific; and (4) the processes that determine the structure and evolution of the tropical sea-surface temperature field. As a result of the first two proposal cycles for PACS, three studies requiring observations beyond those provided by the TAO array will be deploying into the field in 1997 and 1998:
The PACS Implementation Plan is, and will be, maintained as an electronic version at http://www.jisao.washington.edu/ because it is meant to be a dynamic document to be updated as programs as detailed plans for studies are developed, studies implemented, and new foci developed. The period immediately after the above programs (e.g., 1998 - 2000) will include a major observational program focussed on the ITCZ/Cold Tongue complex in the extreme eastern Pacific and will utilize the in situ observations provided by the TAO Array along 95°W, supplemented by shipboard observations and aircraft (manned and, possibly, unmanned) based out of the Galapagos Islands, southern Mexico and/or Costa Rica. Included within this study is the region of extreme deep convection centered over the Panama Basin, southern Central America, and northwest South America. Plans under consideration include augmenting the existing radiosonde network in the region and establishing two sounding stations on islands in the region. This program may be further augmented with periodic dropsonde missions flown by the NOAA Gulfstream IV aircraft out of Tampa, Florida. Plans are also under consideration to extend the proposed Atlantic Circulation and Climate Experiment with PACS support for some observations from 5°N to 5°S. Longer range proposals include more comprehensive atmospheric observations in the extreme western tropical Atlantic. Use of TAO Data in the NCEP Operational Model W. Woodward, NOAA/NOS A first step in assessing the impact of TAO data on operational models is to determine what percentage of the available data is actually being used in the models. The atmospheric models at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) have well-defined observation time and data receipt time cut-off windows within which the data must arrive to be assimilated. Analysis of the wind observations from the TAO Array indicates that only 56% of the data set available to the models is being assimilated into the global atmospheric model suite at NCEP. The time of the observation, the on-off cycle times of the buoys, and the time between when the satellite is visible to the buoy and when it is visible to the ground station are the primary controlling factors of that percentage. The low percentage suggests that the method for real-time relay of data from the TAO array may not be optimum for operational applications. In this presentation the suite of global atmospheric models at NCEP, their data acceptance windows and how they differ among the models are described briefly. The quantity of TAO wind observations actually used in the models is shown for the period July/August 1996 and is compared to the total number of observations collected by the array during that same period. Illustrations are provided showing the number of observations used in the models displayed against several variables, including the time of the observation, the difference between the time of the observation and its time of arrival at NCEP, and the cycle times of the model. Recommendations are made on ways to increase the percentage of TAO observations used in the NCEP models.
CLIVAR Upper Ocean Panel Report (W. Kessler, NOAA/PMEL)The CLIVAR Upper Ocean Panel held its 2nd session on 21 - 24 October 1996, in Villefranche-sur-mer, France. The focus of the meeting this year was "Assessment of the Pacific Observing system for Analyses, Model-Testing, and El Niño Forecasts."Perhaps the most important conclusion of the UOP meeting was that despite the many advances that have been made in modeling Pacific dynamics and thermodynamics, and the increased quantity and quality of wind observations, there remains a strong need for in situ sub-surface observations to correct wind-forced GCMs by assimilation. Several talks focused on the NCEP GCM runs and reanalysis product, comparing the output to observations of various types, and evaluating this model's ability to hindcast features of the Pacific climate such as ENSO. There was discussion of how to best use the in situ observations for assimilation. At present, an observed temperature profile (from TAO or XBT), is assimilated directly. In regions where the model has significant mean errors (for example the wrong depth of the mean thermocline), most of the information content of an observed profile serves to correct the mean error, and observed anomalies may not have much influence. On the other hand, one might try to assimilate observed anomalies. However, evidence was shown of significant decadal changes which make definition of anomalies problematic, particularly when the time range of data available to compute climatologies is not consistent from region to region. Another unsolved problem is how to make use of altimetric sea level from the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite. It is not obvious how one would use sea level as a constraint in the GFDL model formulation. One group at GFDL has developed a regression technique to make "synthetic XBTs" from the altimeter values. Unfortunately this produces some quite odd profiles on occasion. Another method attempts to use sea level as an integral constraint on the model; this work is still in progress. Overall, it is clear that to date, even in the relatively well-studied tropical Pacific, large amounts of in situ data will continue to be necessary for the foreseeable future. Another subject of discussion at the meeting was the Pacific wind products (NCEP, ECMWF, FNOC, and FSU). Although TAO winds flow to all these centers, large differences remain among the wind fields and between TAO and the wind products, indicating that the observed winds may not be constraining the fields appropriately. Reasons for this might be problems in the model planetary boundary layer physics or surface pressure fields that result in observed winds appearing too anomalous and being rejected. Salinity was discussed, and evidence was shown for the need for in situ salinity profiles for the computation of dynamic height and geostrophic currents. Salinity will be investigated for next years' meeting, including questions of where the need for in situ salinity is most important, to what extent surface salinity alone is useful, and how densely salinity must be sampled to be useful. Other regions of the world ocean were briefly discussed with an eye towards choosing a focus for next year's meeting. Possible topics include the subtropical-tropical connection, which is seen to be important in regards to decadal changes; the Southern Ocean, where observations of barometric pressure that can be collected by drifting buoys might have a large influence on the AGCMs; the Atlantic, which is of interest in connection with climate over the Americas; and the Indian Ocean and monsoon variability.
Ocean Rain Measurements for TRMM Validation (O. Thiele, NASA/GSFC)The TRMM Global Validation Program has been concerned with methods to validate TRMM satellite observations over the oceans since the earliest concepts of the mission. As a result, several techniques that would overcome some of the problems associated with ship and buoy motions were investigated. The most promising system for this purpose at the time was a newly developed miniature version of an optical rain gauge (ORG) manufactured by STI, Inc. Although substantial success was achieved during TOGA-COARE with approximately 25 of these experimental ORG's deployed on ships, buoy and nearby islands, their maximum potential was not realized for several reasons. The key problems that have been encountered with the mini-ORG relates to design of the optical transmitter support, directional wind effect, manufacturing quality control and non-linearity of the standard rain (R) calibration, i.e., R = 100V2 (V = sensor output voltage). With careful attention, all of these problems can be reasonably overcome with independent calibration of each instrument. However, even assuming a reliable manufacturing quality, the fairly high cost of these instruments do not make them economically feasible for large-scale network type deployment.Another line of investigation centers around a low cost disdrometer that can be used on ships and buoys as well as on land. The current development approach is based on an early Johns Hopkins' Applied Physics Laboratory design. The disdrometer instrument has the advantage of measuring rain drop size distribution (in addition to rain-rate and amount) which is highly important for quantifying latent heat release in convective/cumulus cloud models, and for developing reliable radar reflectivity to rain (i.e., Z-R) relationships. Although this type disdrometer is an order of magnitude less expensive than the one commercially available Swiss disdrometer, it, like the ORG of similar cost, is not suitable for large scale deployment. However, a number of these on buoys located in a few representative regions in the tropics could provide invaluable information on variable rain systems. Approximately 50 of these units will be completed by the Summer of 1997 and deployed at the several TRMM ground validation sites and at various experimental locations. While both of these systems, especially the disdrometer, can contribute significantly to important and specialized ocean measurements of rainfall, a simpler and less expensive rain measuring system is needed for wide spread ocean buoy deployment such as the TAO Array. The most promising solution at this time for extending Pacific Ocean rain measurements at this time would appear to be the R.M. Young syphon gauge. A significantly large deployment of these gauges on ATLAS moorings in the Pacific would be of great benefit to TRMM. |
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