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Rapid dike emplacement leads to eruptions and hydrothermal plume release
during seafloor spreading events
R.P. Dziak
Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies, Oregon State University,
and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA, Hatfield
Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon
D.R. Bohnenstiehl
Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State
University, Rayleigh, North Carolina
J.P. Cowen
Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
E.T. Baker
Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory, NOAA, Seattle, Washington
K.H. Rubin
Department of Geology and Geophysics, School of Ocean and Earth Science and
Technology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
J.H. Haxel and M.J. Fowler
Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies, Oregon State University,
and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA, Hatfield Marine Science
Center, Newport, Oregon
Geology., 35(7), 579-582 (2007)
Copyright ©2007 by The Geological Society of America. Further
electronic distribution is not allowed.
The creation of ocean crust by rapid injection of magma at mid-ocean ridges
can lead to eruptions of lava onto the seafloor and release of “event
plumes,” which are huge volumes of anomalously warm water enriched in
reduced chemicals that rise up to 1 km above the seafloor. Here, we use seismic
data to show that seafloor eruptions and the release of hydrothermal event
plumes correspond to diking episodes with high injection velocities and rapid
onset of magma emplacement within the rift zone. These attributes result from
high excess magma pressure at the dike source, likely due to a new influx of
melt from the mantle. These dynamic magmatic conditions can be detected remotely
and may predict the likelihood of event plume release during future seafloor
spreading events.
Keywords: dike injection, earthquakes, hydroacoustics, ridge, Juan de
- Entire Text
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Hydroacoustic Detection Methods
- Juan de Fuca Ridge Dike Injection Events
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- References Cited
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