It will work if you use Perl backquotes instead of the system call. Apply the following patch to your code:
< my $status = system("$GradsDir/grads -lbc
< debug("status = $status\n");
> my $comm = "$GradsDir/grads -lbc $Script";
> debug("Command is $comm\n");
> my $results = `$comm`;
> # my $results = system($comm);
> debug("results = $results\n");
The variable $results will contain the output from GrADS (you might want to look at this output to trap errors).
Jennifer M. Adams" wrote:
> Here are a few things to look at:
> ...If you're not
> going to use any of the CLC machinery for communicating
> with a child process, it would probably be easier to just
> use the "system" call in Perl to execute GrADS.Right! That makes it much simpler, as I really have no need
for the CLC protocol. I have implemented this change and I
can get it to work ... except for one little problem: on my
first request to 'get data' I see the text output from the
GrADS execution into the display window instead of an image.
The text is what I would see if I were to run the script
from my unix command line plus 2 lines of extra text:Status: 302 Moved
Location: <the URL of the .gif image to display>If I then hit the "reload" button in the display window, the
image comes up. Is this another timing issue?Here's the URL:
Thanks for all your patience and help,
Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705-3106
Phone: (301)902-1278 or (301)595-7000
Fax: (301)595-9793
-- Joe Sirott