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labeling polar plots
Hello ferreters, here's another simple problem for all you experts out there.
I am trying to put multiple polar plots of my variable on a page. I managed this using the portraitNxN.jnl that Rodrigo kindly created.
Once this proceedure worked satisfactorily, I decided to put one simple title on my graphs. Until then I had used /nolabels to take away the logo and label 4 on each plot. Because I didn't seem to be able to use /set_up to make the plots, I had terrible problems producing a plot with the labels that I wanted. Finally I did it using
set viewport 1
go polar_2d fill/levels=20/title="(a) 10 mbar" diff1[z=10]
ppl labs 4 0,0,0,0 @as
ppl xlab 0,0,0,0 @as
ppl ylab 0,0,0,0 @as
go remove_logo
ppl axlabp 0,0
ppl tics 0,0,0,0
ppl fill
go polar_land
go polar_grid_fancy
However, even though the ferret window shows my plots with just a title beneath them, when I convert to ps files using Fprint -p portrait -o filename.ps metafile.plt, the postscript still shows the original labels, please could someone tell me why, and how I can get rid of them forever!
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