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Non-solid lines with PLOT...

If I recall correctly, when I PLOTted two (or more) lines, and made the meta-
code file a black-n-white postscript file, the 2nd-Nth lines came out with
various dash and/or dot patterns.

Now, I get all solid lines. Hard to distinguish one line from another.

What am I doing wrong?


yes? use data1.nc 
yes? use data2.nc
yes? set mode meta
yes? plot var[d=1],var[d=2]
yes? can mode meta
yes? quit

prompt> Fprint metafile.plt


prompt> Fprint -l ps -o bw_ps metafile.plt
prompt> lp bw_ps

Gary Strand
strandwg@ucar.edu                              http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/gary

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