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Ferret v4.91 on Linux

I've just installed Ferret v4.91 on an Intel P166 running Debian Linux
1.3.1 (Linux kernel 2.0.29).  I am able to invoke it only using the GUI
option, i.e., "ferret -gui" works, but running ferret from the command
line does not.  Ferret exits with the following message:

tsangpo:shankar$ ferret
        Program FERRET (GUI)
        Version 4.91 - 05/19/98
        27-Jul-98 10:13     

Floating point exception

The GUI mode, however, works fine, including execution of scripts, editing
using the "command line" option, etc.

What might I have done wrong?

Regards, Shankar.

D. Shankar                           Ph. (O): (91)(832) 226253/4/5/6 * 4400/4224
Physical Oceanography Division,
National Institute of Oceanography,  Fax    : (91)(832) 223340/221360/229102
Dona Paula, Goa 403 004,             email  : shankar@csnio.ren.nic.in
India.                                        shankar@darya.nio.org

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