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Re: plot/vs ? (overlaying on time plot)

Hi Dongxiao,

Below is a simple example for what I believe you are looking for. The
part you have to adapt for your own case is reading your shipboard data
in on a time axis. The DAYS1900 function can be very helpful for this


! say, this is your time series
DEFINE AXIS/T=1-jan-1980:1-jan-1981:1/unit=days t1980
let test = SIN(T[gt=t1980]/20)
plot test

! now overlay some other data (5 days apart) as points
! for illustration, encode the time axes differently
DEFINE AXIS/T=15-jan-1980:1-jun-1980:`5*24/unit=hours tdata
let test2 = RANDU(T[gt=tdata])
plot/over/sym test2


Dongxiao Zhang wrote:
> Hi, every one.
> I have a time series in a plot. The x axis is in time units from Sept.
> 1994 to June 1996, y axis is Sv, the value of transport. Now, I want to
> plot over a symbol, corresponding to a shipboard data for a specific time,
> let's say 24-dec-1994:00:00:00.
> I thought
> plot/over/vs/sym=20 tt(time value for 24-dec-1994),22(value for ADCP data)
> should work. But it failed, the reason could be I have no way to get a
> correct value of tt(?). I tried to use time index like L and time value
> relative to the time axis of that time series, both failed.
> Can somebody help me?
> Best regards,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dongxiao Zhang
> Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
> Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
> 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
> Miami, FL 33149
> Phone  : (305)361-4806
> Fax    : (305)361-4696
> Office : MSC Room 309
> --------------------------------------------------------------------


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