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Re: **TMAP ERR: limit on number of grid lines....

Hi Carlos,

I'll email you off-line and see if we can sort out why the limit on the number
of grid lines is occuring.

Regarding the seeming duplication of information in the MC descriptor files --
it is deliberate sanity checking. The NetCDF files are self-describing, but the
MC descriptor is ASCII human-created. Checks of this sort, though a nuisance,
ensure that the self-describing data is faithfully presented. (The MC
descriptors reuse previously created file management machinery that was used in
"GT" data sets -- so it is admittedly not as elegant as it could be. But it
works reliably ...)

	- steve


On Apr 20,  3:36pm, Carlos Fernandez wrote:
> Subject: **TMAP ERR: limit on number of grid lines....
> Hi all,
> I'm working with multiple MC datasets (I mean, more than one MC file), and
> getting this message:
>  **TMAP ERR: limit on number of grid lines has been reached
>              MAX= 500
> Is there any way I can modify this number (the limit on number of grid
> lines...)?

I'll Email you off-line and see if we can sort this out.

> There's another 'little' problem, I get the message:
>  **TMAP ERR: 1st timestep in datafile different from descriptor
>              Expected: 145 Found: 4410
>              Data set: ....name....
>              Data file: ....name....
> Well, I know I have put a wrong   S_START    in my description file, but, if
> Ferret knows (or seems to know) what number should be there, why must I put
> again? (This isn't really a big problem, and everything seems to be working
> fine, but...)

This is deliberate sanity checking. The NetCDF files are binary,
self-describing and binar, but the MC descriptor is ASCII human-created. Checks
of this sort, though a nuisance, ensure that the data is faithfully
represented. Trade-offs ...

---End of forwarded mail from hankin@lotus.pmel.noaa.gov (Steve Hankin)


		|  NOAA/PMEL               |  ph. (206) 526-6080  
Steve Hankin	|  7600 Sand Point Way NE  |  FAX (206) 526-6744
		|  Seattle, WA 98115-0070  |  hankin@pmel.noaa.gov

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