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Remapping variables onto new axes
I have a netCDF file which contains oceanographic data. The result of a
'show data' in Ferret is:
name title I J K L
UP Baroclinic zonal velocity 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
VP Baroclinic meridional velocity 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
DP Layer thickness 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
UB Barotropic zonal velocity 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
VB Barotropic meridional velocity 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
ETA Bottom pressure variation 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
US Zonal forcing of barotropic 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
VS Meridional forcing of barotropi 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
Q Barotropic Montgomery function 1:275 1:307 1:10 1:9
Here, DP are increments in pressure at each ocean layer k=1:10. The axes
which result from plotting vertical sections are either latitude(theta) vs
Z(layer) or longitude(phi) vs Z(layer).
In order to plot a section of incremental pressure (as a function of Z) I
created a variable, P, as follows:
repeat/k=1:9 let P = (1+eta)*dp[k=@rsum]
A couple of questions:
- Is it possible to create variables like P omitting the 'repeat' statement
making more effective use of the @ notation?
- Is there a way to invert P(Z) to obtain Z(P)?
- How can I plot sections of UP or VP as function of P rather than Z?
This would provide sections of dynamic variables as a function of
'depth' rather than the non-dynamic Z.
Many thanks,
David Oxilia Tel: (541) 737-2368
COAS-Oregon State University Fax: (541) 737-2064
Ocean Admin. Bldg. 104
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 Email: oxilia@hejira.oce.orst.edu
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