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Re: `Different' Axes (centered X axis)

On Nov 22,  2:10pm, Mark Verschell wrote:
> Subject: `Different' Axes
> Does anyone know of a way to produce "centered" axes? E.g.:
>                                           |
>                                           |
>                                           |
>                                           |
>                                           |
>                       ----------------------
>                                           |
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Hi Mark,

This is most easily described by example.  The documentation on the "%XAXIS"
command is on page 10-3 of the PLOT+ Users Guide


PLOT/I=1:100/set_up sin(i/6)				! your plot ...
ppl axset 0,0,1,1					! no top or bottom axes
ppl plot						! plot w/out X axis
ppl xlab						! turn off X label
ppl %xaxis ($PPL$XMIN1) ($PPL$XMAX1) 10  0 5 2 1 0	! an X axis through Y=0
	                              ^          ^
                                     note 1     note 2
ppl axset 1,1,1,1					! restore default axes

note 1: this tic interval could be determined automatically using the %RANGE
	command (described on the same page of the Users' Guide)
	ppl %range ($PPL$XMIN1) ($PPL$XMAX1) 5   ! request approx 5 tics
	ppl %xaxis ($PPL$RANGE_LOW) ($PPL$RANGE_HIGH) ($PPL$RANGE_INC) 0 5 2 1

note 2: this controls the tics: above, below, or through the X axis
	The numeric labels are drawn for above or below but not through

	hope this helps - steve


		|  NOAA/PMEL               |  ph. (206) 526-6080  
Steve Hankin	|  7600 Sand Point Way NE  |  FAX (206) 526-6744
		|  Seattle, WA 98115-0070  |  hankin@pmel.noaa.gov

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