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Re: [ferret_users] axis transfer from depth to time-reg

One crude approach would be to create a dummy time axis (along with the lat-lon axis) and reassign the dimensions.
define axis/x=79.3104E:79.3504E:1/unit=degree xaxis         !change lat lon
define axis/y=9.1931N:9.2245N:1/unit=degree yaxis
define axis/t="dd-mon-yyyy hh:mm":"dd-mon-yyyy hh:mm":1/unit=hours taxis
define grid/x=xaxis/y=yaxis/t=taxis grd1
LET dummy= x[gx=xaxis]  + y[gy=yaxis] + t[GT=taxis]
LET uwnd1 = RESHAPE(UWND,dummy)
then save the file 
save/file=test.nc uwnd1

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 6:27 PM srinivas kotta <srinivas.kotta116@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear ferret users,

I have a netcdf file, data have 4time steps at single level. But it shows the time axis in depth axis. How can I transfer the depth axis into time axis.  Dimensions of the data is attached here.

Thank you

Thanking you and with Regards,


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