This is my first post to this group.
It has T,S,U,V, dia-surface velocity T-points, SSH, etc.
Please advise how I can estimate vertical velocity using the available information.
A short answer is, vertically integrate the continuity equation w_z = - u_x - v_y, where the horizontal derivatives are calculated with Ferret's differentiation operators.
But, I have no idea how robust the result will be. Vertical velocity is a noisy quantity and an ad-hoc method like this may give you an unreliable answer.
To get a robust result,
1. First, examine the SODA manual to find out what grid configuration SODA uses. For example, let's assume that it uses the C grid.
2. Use the C-grid continuity equation to calculate vertical velocity, which should be identical to the vertical velocity within SODA. (SODA must have vertical velocity internally. Whether it saves/outputs it or not is a separate issue.)
I don't think you can do this within Ferret.