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[ferret_users] stippling on the polar stereographic plots

Dear Ferreters

I have a problem with not plotting the stippling on the polar stereographic plot. I tried to search in ferret FAQs but no such problem is mentioned. 

Here are the lines of codes that I am trying to run. 

use "hist-ensemble.nc"
use etopo60

use etopo60
let ro=rose[d=2,gx=slope[d=1,m=1],gy=slope[d=1,m=1]]
let ocean=if ro lt 0 then 1

let stdd = slope[m=@std,d=1]*30*12*1000
let mask = (if abs(slope[m=@ave,d=1]*30*12*1000) ge (2*(stdd/28^0.5)) then 1)*ocean

let nx = `mask,return=isize`
let ny = `mask,return=jsize`
let lon = x[gx=mask,i=1:`nx`:6] + 0*y[gy=mask,j=1:`ny`:6]
let lat = 0*x[gx=mask,i=1:`nx`:6] + y[gy=mask,j=1:`ny`:6]
let p95 = if mask[i=1:`nx`:6,j=1:`ny`:6] eq mask[i=1:`nx`:6,j=1:`ny`:6] then 1 else 0

set grid slope[d=1] ; palette cmocean_balance

go mp_stereographic_south 180 0
set region/y=89.5S:30S/x=20:380.5
go mp_aspect
set viewport a11
fill/lev=(-inf)(-2.5,2.5,0.5)(inf)/nokey/nolab/NOAXIS slope[m=@ave,d=1]*mp_mask, x_page, y_page
go mp_fland 20
go mp_land
plot/nolab/nokey/vs/ov/sym=dot p95*lon*mp_mask, p95*lat*mp_mask, x_page, y_page


**ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: unequal line lengths:
          First _expression_ has 1800 points.
          _expression_ 3 has 21660 points:
          "plot/nolab/nokey/vs/ov/sym=dot/size=0.15/opacity=90 p95*lon*mp_mask, p95*lat*mp_mask, x_page, y_page"
plot/nolab/nokey/vs/ov/sym=dot/size=0.15/opacity=90 p95*lon*mp_mask, p95*lat*mp_mask, x_page, y_page
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
Executed by script: *** GO tsl-south-stereo.jnl ***

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