Hi all,
I'd like to fetch the time axis from a variable. Previously I have fetched variable info as shown in below approach:
yes? sh d
currently SET data sets:
1> ./BDD1A000DCnw1.nc (default)
name title I J K L
uvel Eastward Velocity 1:1 1:1 1:65 1:8109
yes? let t_len = `uvel,return=lsize`
!-> DEFINE VARIABLE t_len=8109
As you see, there's a new variable t_len.
My aim is to fetch the time axis and subsequently define a time axis using it (I know how to create time axis from scratch, but in this case I already have time axis of a variable, so why not use it).
Ranjan Kumar Sahu
Junior Research FellowNational Institute of Oceanography
Goa, India