I noticed that when I draw less than 5 levels of contour the number of digits of the contour labels is increased by one.Here are two examples:use coads_climatology.cdfcontour/x=50w:20e/y=30s:30n/sigdig=1/lev=(20,23,1) SST[l=@ave]
contour/x=50w:20e/y=30s:30n/sigdig=1/lev=(20,30,1) SST[l=@ave]
---> More than 5 contours, sigdig is OK---> Less than 5 contours, the significant digits in the contour labels is not 1, but 2Maybe this issue has already been reported?
Have a nice day,Serena Illig.¸. , . .·´¯`·
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Serena ILLIG-THEVENIN LEGOS/IRD ..Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports ..14 Av. E. Belin .31400 Toulouse .
FRANCE ..E-mail : serena.illig.ird@xxxxxxxxx .Web-site : http://sillig.free.fr .Phone : +33 5 61 33 29 26 ..