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[ferret_users] dynamic_height.jnl (and @iin, @rsum in general)

Hi Ferreters -

I happened to look at our standard dynamic height script today.
(On my system it is .../opt/miniconda3/pkgs/pyferret-7.6.3-py37hfb0c5.1/go/dynamic_height.jnl)
(comments say "updated in 10/93" ... before some of you were even born ...)
(the script is also attached FYI)

I think there's a subtle error in this script, due to the upward indefinite integral.
Beyond dynamic height, the issue occurs anytime where @iin (or @rsum) is used.

The relevant parts of the dynamic_height.jnl algorithm are:

! Standard _expression_ for specific volume anomaly
let SVanom = 1/rho_UN(dyn_s,dyn_t,dyn_p) - 1/rho_UN(35,0,dyn_p)  ! dyn_[s,t,p] are temp,salinity,pressure

! The _expression_ for the top-to-bottom integral is straightforward:
let/title="Dynamic Height(dyn-cm)" DYN_HT  = 1E5 * dyn_mask * SVanom[z=@din]   ! (dyn_mask excludes incomplete profiles)

! But for a z-dependent result, the direction of the z-axis and of integration must be considered.
! The z-axis is typically DOWNWARD (/DEPTH in the axis definition), but the intended integration is UPWARD.
! Thus the indefinite integral @iin needs to be reversed using @din minus @iin.
! In the script this is:

let/title="Dynamic Height(dyn-cm)" DYN_HTz = 1E5 * dyn_mask * (SVanom[z=@din]-SVanom[z=@iin])

! However, the user probably expects the value to be at the same depths as the density data, namely at the center of each grid cell.

! But the script's _expression_ integrates completely through each grid cell, giving the value of the integral at the TOP of the cell.

! - - - - - - - - -
! A simple way to see what's happening is with a simple example of the results of @din - @iin, defining an example that can be followed in your head:

define axis/z/depth zdep={1,2,3,4,5}       ! simple downward z-axis
let zvals = 2*z[gz=zdep]                   ! variable on this axis with values twice the axis value

! plot ZVALS, its downward integral and two versions of its upward integral (attached png file)
! (also include a downward @iin integration: red and brown lines)
plot/line/sym=27/thick=2/vli=0:5.5/hli=0:31:5  zvals,zvals[z=@iin],zvals[z=@din]-zvals[z=@iin],zvals[z=@din]-(zvals[z=@iin]-zvals*zbox/2),zvals[z=@iin]-zvals*zbox/2

! list the relevant pieces, including the grid cell size and limits:
list z[gz=zdep],zbox[gz=zdep],zboxlo[gz=zdep],zboxhi[gz=zdep],zvals,zvals[z=@iin],zvals[z=@din]-zvals[z=@iin],zvals[z=@din]-(zvals[z=@iin]-zvals*zbox/2),zvals[z=@iin]-zvals*zbox/2
             Z: 0.5 to 5.5
 Column  1: Z is Z (axis ZDEP)
 Column  2: ZBOX is ZBOX (axis ZDEP)
 Column  3: ZBOXLO is ZBOXLO (axis ZDEP)
 Column  4: ZBOXHI is ZBOXHI (axis ZDEP)
 Column  5: ZVALS is 2*Z[GZ=ZDEP]
 Column  6: ZVALS[Z=@IIN] is 2*Z[GZ=ZDEP] (indef. integ. on Z)   ! simple downward @iin
 Column  7: EX#7 is ZVALS[Z=@DIN]-ZVALS[Z=@IIN]         ! integration as in dynamic_height.jnl
 Column  8: EX#8 is ZVALS[Z=@DIN]-(ZVALS[Z=@IIN]-ZVALS*ZBOX/2)   ! I think this is correct for DH
 Column  9: EX#9 is ZVALS[Z=@IIN]-ZVALS*ZBOX/2       ! correct downward integration
             Z   ZBOX  ZBOXLO ZBOXHI  ZVALS  ZVALS  EX#7   EX#8   EX#9
1   / 1:  1.000  1.000  0.500  1.500   2.00   2.00  28.00  29.00   1.00
2   / 2:  2.000  1.000  1.500  2.500   4.00   6.00  24.00  26.00   4.00
3   / 3:  3.000  1.000  2.500  3.500   6.00  12.00  18.00  21.00   9.00
4   / 4:  4.000  1.000  3.500  4.500   8.00  20.00  10.00  14.00  16.00
5   / 5:  5.000  1.000  4.500  5.500  10.00  30.00   0.00   5.00  25.00

We're comparing EX#7 (as in dynamic_height.jnl, green line on plot) and EX#8 (I think is correct, blue line).
Which is correct?

The issue is that the value of the integral is understood as being at the grid cell centers.

Starting at a value of 30 at the bottom of the deepest cell (z=5.5), the first value is halfway up that cell, thus half of ZVALS[z=5], namely 5. An _expression_ like in dynamic_height.jnl gives 0.

Following the blue line, the value of the integral at the highest gridcell (z=1) is 29 (not 30 because this integration is not to the top of the cell at z=0.5). Nor is is 28, which is what an integration like in dynamic_height.jnl would give.
! - - - - - - - - -

Thus I think the correct _expression_ for the dynamic height integration should be like EX#8:

let/title="Dynamic Height(dyn-cm)" DYN_HTz = 1E5 * dyn_mask * (SVanom[z=@din]-(SVanom[z=@iin]-SVanom*ZBOX/2))

The same issue occurs in any @iin integration.
Consider the red line in the attached plot (ZVALS[z=@iin], EX#9 in the listing above).
At the first grid cell (z=1) the value is 2, the whole value of ZVALS[k=1], as if the integration had been carried through the whole cell (thus to z=1.5).

A corrected version is the brown line: zvals[z=@iin]-zvals*zbox/2, namely to the center of each cell.

=> Bottom line is that the results of @iin and @rsum need to be considered with care.
   Where exactly do you expect the result to apply?

Billy K


Attachment: dynamic_height.jnl
Description: Binary data

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