Dear … I have a script where I define a variable, say, let a1={13,18,20,22} (In reality is a bit longer) When I save a1 in an ncfile it automatically makes this 1-dim variable dependent on x (i). I want the 1-dim file however to be dependent on time (l). I have played around with various commands like define grid, define axis and making a new variable with the new axis or grid associated to it, otherwise the same as a1, but I never get the numbers along the time axis,
the variable always remains as var(x). I also can’t find anywhere in the userguide how to do this, I can’t say something like File/Format as one does with reading an ascii file. What do I have to do to change a1 in a var(t) so that when doing show data afterwards it says dimension i,j,k undefined, dimension l=4? Sybren |