Dear Dr Ryo
I tried using ferret simple commands to convert gregorian calendar to Julian calendar
ex as follows
use name title I J K L M N
RLDS Surface Downwelling Longwave Ra 1:640 1:320 ... 1:2920 ... ...
DEFINE AXIS/CALENDAR=JULIAN/T="1-JAN-2018":"31-DEC-2018":03/UNITS=hours tmodel
let rld=rlds[GT=tmodel@lin]
set mem/siz=6000
save/clobber/file= rld
This command worked, but after conversion from gregorian calendar to Julian the the file contains 2913 time steps instead of 2920
name title I J K L M N
RLD RLDS[GT=TMODEL@LIN] 1:640 1:320 ... 1:2913
still I am not able to solve after going through the mail archives
Requesting for help