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Re: [ferret_users] add (degenerate) axis to variable

That works! Thanks, Ansley. Now...is there some magic that I can use to designate my new time axis as the record (unlimited) dimension?



On 3/31/21 6:59 PM, Ansley Manke wrote:
Hi Andy,

You can add a variable on the desired time axis with a value of 0 everywhere.  This uses the idea of "conformability <https://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/users-guide/variables-xpressions/XPRESSIONS#_VPINDEXENTRY_300>" - the principals that govern how variables created from on unlike grids can be combined.


yes? let/like=temp temp_new = temp + 0*t[gt=t1]


On 3/31/2021 10:35 AM, Andy Jacobson wrote:
Yes, I tried [...gt=t1@asn] syntax. Ferret didn't complain, but it didn't output that time axis either.



On 3/31/21 10:44 AM, Satyesh Ghetiya wrote:
Have you tried giving that time axis to variable by GT ? -->
let your variable is Temp and time axis name is T1, then -->
let Temp_new=Temp[gt=T1]

^ This should work.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 10:04 PM Andy Jacobson <andy.jacobson@xxxxxxxx <mailto:andy.jacobson@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I have a 2-d variable (lat, lon) that I read from a well-formatted netCDF file. This represents one month out of a time series of many such files. I'd like to add a time axis to this variable. I've defined my single-point time axis, but I can't figure out how to convince ferret to add this time axis to my variable. Normally I'd do this in NCO but I'd like to stay in ferret this time. Is there some reshape trickery involved?



    --     Andy Jacobson
andy.jacobson@xxxxxxxx <mailto:andy.jacobson@xxxxxxxx>

    NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
    325 Broadway R/GMD1
    Boulder, Colorado 80305


G Satyesh,

Andy Jacobson

NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
325 Broadway R/GMD1
Boulder, Colorado 80305


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