I have a NetCDF file which when read in by ferret puts the data on the x,e axes. I’d rather have it on the z,e axes. When I issue these commands, ferret first gives an error message. If try to open the file again without /order specified, ferret freezes and will not recover: yes? use/feature=none/order=ze PSEA1001_profile_data_dd90_1ace_1e62.ncCFMA *** NOTE: Axis PROFILE marked as EE *** NOTE: but it has different directions in grids. **ERROR: inconsistent data grids: File needs axis attributes on coordinate variables indicating correct directions yes? use/feature=none PSEA1001_profile_data_dd90_1ace_1e62.ncCFMA
______________________________________________ Edward (Ned) D. Cokelet, Ph.D. Oceanographer NOAA/PMEL off: 206-526-6820 7600 Sand Point Way NE fax: 206-526-6485 Seattle, WA 98115-6349 edward.d.cokelet@xxxxxxxx The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. |