import pyferret
pyferret.start(verify=False, pngonly=True, journal=False, quiet=True)
pyferret.run('set window /xpixel=756.000000 /aspect=0.809524 /outline=0.0 1')
pyferret.run('use levitus_climatology')
pyferret.run('shade/lev=20v temp[k=1]')
still produces an image with this an annoying thin white horizontal line.
pngonly=True seems a better option that unmapped=True
But I am still confused on the interest to use the outline option.
What for since I am not using any polygon command.
A default value as suggested in documentation /outline=0.5 does not
get rid off this line anyway.
Higher such as 0.5 removes the line but what are the consequences when
I will use other graphic commands.
So my request would be on what are correct options to produce a
choosen sized image without any "scraches" on the image.
pyferret.run('set window /xpixel=756.000000 /aspect=0.809524 /outline=0.05 1')could be replace by
pyferret.run('set window /xpixel=756.000000 /ypixel=612 /outline=0.05 1')that is a default setting.
The problem occurs the same way.
Thanks for any solution on this relatively small problem but that causes questions from
users of the ferretmagic (pyferret in a jupyter notebook).
Best regards
Data Analytics and Visualization Engineer / Project Manager
LSCE - Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory
IPSL - Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
In fact there is a
pngonlyoption that exists and should be noticed in the documentation.
From pyferret code (pyferret/__init__.py)
pngonly: (boolean) if True, do not display to the console and only raster (PNG)
images can be saved; plots will be generated faster but
removes support for deletion of parts (segments) of a plot.
Hi all,
With pyferret and the -nodisplay option I get some white horizontal lines
that makes the image captured by the frame command not very nice (at least strange).
Is there a workaround ?
$ cat tyty.jnl
use levitus_climatology
shade/lev=20v temp[k=1]
$ pyferret -nodisplay -script tyty.jnl
I have tested the pyferret -png option.
It produces an image without lines. That would be perfect but how to retrieve this mode
from a pyferret.start function (the way ferretmagic produces images).
Please test:
$cat tyty.py
import pyferret
pyferret.start(verify=False, journal=False, unmapped=True, quiet=True)
pyferret.run('use levitus_climatology')
pyferret.run('shade/lev=20v temp[k=1]')
$python tyty.py
Tested with last 7.63 release
Data Analytics and Visualization Engineer / Project Manager
LSCE - Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory
IPSL - Institut Pierre Simon Laplace